Basketball Was LeBron's Playoff Performance ..Greatest ever?

Was LeBron's Playoff Performance greatest ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 36.7%
  • No

    Votes: 31 63.3%

  • Total voters
77ncaachamps said:
Grew up watching Jordan and all of his memorable moments. Can't say that Lebron has lived up to all of them yet.

yea yea yea go play WORD PADS ;-)

I feel you man I watched MJ all day every day its tough to compare the 2 BUT at age 22? its amazing that he is as good as he is....

he IS amazing man and ANYONE who says he is just another HYPED up Vince Carter like player that is just HOT right now? THEY ARE NUTS!
ChosenOne719 said:
I never understand how if a person is not a fan of a player that makes them a hater. I dont see anyone saying LeBron s_u_c_k_s they just say he isnt all time great and that makes them a hater? People are so silly sometimes. LeBron is still overrated. LeBron is a great player there is no arguing that but he isnt as great as some make him out to be. This happens all the time everyone jumps on a guys bandwagon they call that person the next Jordan then that guy gets hurt or his play for his entire career doesnt live up to the comparisons. So go ahead jump on the bandwagon bow down to him and kiss his feet but remember once upon a time people billed Mike Vick as the next great thing and were paying insane prices for his cards just to have them drop back to earth like a ton of bricks.

So lets not say people are crazy for not believing in Bron because the guy hasnt proven that he is an all time great. Its these types of comparisons that ruin a players overall status because you are putting him in a big pair of shoes that he just might not be able to fill and when he doesnt well thats when he starts to look like a slight dissapointment over time. Let the guy prove who he is because right now he is just a kid with a couple good playoff games to his name and three all star game appearances definately not the credits it takes to get one in to the hall of fame.

Now what if he goes out and gets stomped in the Finals by Tim Duncan and the Spurs? What if the Spurs sweep him and he doesnt show up at all are you all going to say he s_u_c_k_s now?

There is a difference between not liking a player, and being real. I'm not an LBJ fan myself, but the guy is a stud and is getting better. VERY few players have achieved what he has so early in his career......MJ included. So to say he hasn't done that much so far is kinda ridiculous. Compare him to calling him an over rated HOG is a very poor assessment. He has alot to learn about shot selection and leadership......but to basically revamp a franchise and take them to the Finals at 22. He had like 20 points 14 boards and 8 dimes in game 6........and people have said he only played one good game the series? You can only be judged off your body of work so far.....and he is easily on his way to HOF status. As for being possibly hammered by the Spurs. Well he got hammered by the Pistons last year, and came back to make it two rounds further to the NBA finals. It's called development......even the great MJ took a few goes to get past the Bad Boys of his day. Don't like him as a player, or as a person, thats your biz.....but don't underplay his achievements so far......cause they are amazing!!
Didn't Magic step in as a rookie and basically play all five positions at one point or another of their finals game seven. That or Jordans 63. Heck maybe even the sick game thats what i've been told its called by a chicago/jordan fan. I don't know to young to really be able to put to much into this conversation.
ozflava said:
There is a difference between not liking a player, and being real. I'm not an LBJ fan myself, but the guy is a stud and is getting better. VERY few players have achieved what he has so early in his career......MJ included. So to say he hasn't done that much so far is kinda ridiculous. Compare him to calling him an over rated HOG is a very poor assessment. He has alot to learn about shot selection and leadership......but to basically revamp a franchise and take them to the Finals at 22. He had like 20 points 14 boards and 8 dimes in game 6........and people have said he only played one good game the series? You can only be judged off your body of work so far.....and he is easily on his way to HOF status. As for being possibly hammered by the Spurs. Well he got hammered by the Pistons last year, and came back to make it two rounds further to the NBA finals. It's called development......even the great MJ took a few goes to get past the Bad Boys of his day. Don't like him as a player, or as a person, thats your biz.....but don't underplay his achievements so far......cause they are amazing!!

Oz it isnt underplaying anything it is called not overplaying what he has done. People point to his age for everything when he does something great its wow he is great he did this and he is only 22 and that is one of the big reasons people give for why they think he is so great. But on the other hand when he doesnt look great people say well he is only 22 and to me people shouldnt use the same thing as an excuse for him that they also use to build him up.

And then if somebody doesnt feel that he is going to be some top 10 all time great player all of sudden they become a hater or a basher. But in all reality in most cases it is not a person hating or underplaying a players play its just calling it how they see it. Greatness is built on a career not one season and not three or four seasons. Greatness isnt built on one game, one series, or one match no matter what the sport. He is good heck is a great player but so was Wilkins, Worthy, Dumars, King, Barkley and many other players but are they top 10 all time greats? No they are not. There is different levels and unless there is some type of serious injury or something Bron looks like he will be headed in to the HOF but I dont see him as going in to that top level with guys like Wilt, Robertson, Jordan, Magic, Bird and others in their level. Bron is good but at the same time he was overrated even before he played his first game in the nba. And also as for the accomplishing thing at such a young age well that really isnt fair to use age because like I said on a different site what like 98% of the people who have played in the NBA didnt come in as young as him. So he still has like what 3 or 4 years as NBA starter and if you are going to compare him to people you should go by where they were as far as how many years they had been in the league. After all at 22 most guys were just getting in the league so we are supposed to say oh they are supposed to make their team as good as Bron did right when they got in because Bron did it when he was 22 and they happen to be 22? Bron has had years of starting experience and they have had time to build the Cavs to where they are. Heck Bird didnt play his first game in the NBA until he was 23 I think so I guess that means Bron must be a whole heck of a lot better than Bird because by the age LeBron is now Bird had not even scored a single point in the NBA
Are you guys kidding me?!?! What do you want him to do? Score 60 points and have 20 assists? He had 7 assists that game, thats pretty good for a forward...Quit hating on Lebron. No, it wasn't the best ever, but it was near the top. He was not a ball hog...he had to shoot or his team would lose. The cavs have pretty much nobody except Lebron. He was yelled at for passing in game one, and if he did it again I bet people would be saying he should have hogged the ball. Just stop critisizing...
There is no way I am going to criticise lebron's amazing performance! For me it was not the best playoff performance ever but right up there with the legendary ones. For a while people have been saying that he is not clutch as MJ/Kobe but man he is only a young fella! :)
I have a feeling that we haven't seen the best playoff performance from LBJ but this one, unbelievable as it was is still not the best ever in my eyes.
wow yea, lets tell him to stop hogging the ball for one game when you want him to hogg the ball for the last shot to win the game, thta sthe same thing. They got the win and i think his team enjoyed it also.
chosen, your obviously not a baller dude. The age is critical because it's about experience and maturity. I am not as athletic as I was 5 years ago, but I'm a better player cause I'm smarter. Regardless of the age thing.....he has still achieved more in his 4 years then MJ did in his first to say he hasn't done that much is still ridiculous. People use the age thing cause it is a huge factor. It's one thing to be really talented at age 22, it's another thing to be able to use it to take your team to the finals. Whether you have played 4 seasons or not by age 22......maturity is still going to be a factor. He is a matter how you look at it.......and if he continues at this pace will be one of the greatest of all time. And if he gets injured like Hill or Penny.....will still be remembered as the stud they were. I still think those guys were awesome, just things happened out of their control. I have no problem saying right now that Lebron is not in the top 10 best players of all time.....but he is on his way. You can say your not underplaying his achievements........but as the responses from most people are "big time". I'm not a bandwagon jumper, cause I couldn't care less if LBJ had a career ending injury next game or he stank it up for the next 6 seasons.........I just hate to see people make big statements that are based on very little factual info.
Ozflava..... I agree with you that Lebron is a brilliant ball player for his age but you gotta remember that a 22y.o guy these days is more maturer and is more closer to a 25y.o dude from 10/20 years ago so he might not develop as much as people think/hope?
I am enjoying his playoff run so far :)
Johan Santana #57 said:
he did do what he needed to get done, I just hope that he doesnt do that EVERY game and not let the team shoot

First off if you watched any of the games this year you would know he isnt a ball hog.He is more concerned about getting his teammates involved before he does.In turn has hurt the team more than not.If a player is hot and is making everything he throws up why would you go away from that.Honestly have you ever seen a player at this age be so calm and collective with all the hype that has been put on him.Lebron has had way more pressure and hype put on him way before Kobe and MJ could spell it.I am not taking away from either player(MJ/Kobe)they are and were the best at what they do.Lebron hasnt even began to see his peak and it is the medias fault for all the comparisons they put with him and other players.Cmon how can you compare lBJ to Duncan.10th season MVP and a 4th season pre MVP coming in his own.Duncan had Robinson to take him under his wing and build him to the way he is today and they had a better supporting cast when he came in.Lebron has had to do it on his own with the rest of the team being inconsistent at all times.Once they get a good PG and keep a 5 man roster together for more than 40 games there will be HUGE changes.JMO

As for greatest ever no,top 10 maybe but you will hear about it till your blue in the face;) ....especially if they find a way to beat the Spurs which is doubtful but fingers are crossed.:D