Basketball Was LeBron's Playoff Performance ..Greatest ever?

Was LeBron's Playoff Performance greatest ever?

  • Yes

    Votes: 18 36.7%
  • No

    Votes: 31 63.3%

  • Total voters
Ok was it a great performance? Yes it was
Was it the greatest playoff performance ever? Nope and it isnt even close

Magic Johnson starting at center game 6 of the NBA Finals put up 42 points, 15 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals

Isiah Thomas on a sprained ankle put up 25 points in one quarter and finished the game with 43 points. 8 assists, 6 steals

Bill Russell put up 30 points and 40 rebounds in game 7 of the NBA Finals

Tim Duncan putting up 22 points, 20 rebounds, 10 assists, 8 blocks in game 6 of the NBA Finals

Jordan putting up 38 points while extremely sick in game 5 of the NBA Finals

Elgin Baylor putting up 61 points and 22 rebounds in game 5 of the NBA Finals

Shaq 28 points, 20 rebounds, 9 assists and 8 blocks in game 2 of the NBA Finals

Bob Petit scored 50 points in game 6 of the NBA Finals

Walt Frazier putting up 36 points, 19 assists and 7 rebounds in game 7 of the NBA Finals

James Worthy putting up 36 points, 16 rebounds and 10 assists in game 7 of the NBA Finals

Those are just some of the great performances out there and I stuck to just NBA Finals which is the big show when it comes to the NBA and there has been many more great individual performances in the Finals and tons of great performances in the playoffs not done in the Finals. But out of those I named I dont see how anyone could say that Bron's performance is the number 1 of all time. Heck it may not even be top 15
ChosenOne719 said:
Ok was it a great performance? Yes it was
Was it the greatest playoff performance ever? Nope and it isnt even close

Magic Johnson starting at center game 6 of the NBA Finals put up 42 points, 15 rebounds, 7 assists, 3 steals

Isiah Thomas on a sprained ankle put up 25 points in one quarter and finished the game with 43 points. 8 assists, 6 steals

Bill Russell put up 30 points and 40 rebounds in game 7 of the NBA Finals

Tim Duncan putting up 22 points, 20 rebounds, 10 assists, 8 blocks in game 6 of the NBA Finals

Jordan putting up 38 points while extremely sick in game 5 of the NBA Finals

Elgin Baylor putting up 61 points and 22 rebounds in game 5 of the NBA Finals

Shaq 28 points, 20 rebounds, 9 assists and 8 blocks in game 2 of the NBA Finals

Bob Petit scored 50 points in game 6 of the NBA Finals

Walt Frazier putting up 36 points, 19 assists and 7 rebounds in game 7 of the NBA Finals

James Worthy putting up 36 points, 16 rebounds and 10 assists in game 7 of the NBA Finals

Those are just some of the great performances out there and I stuck to just NBA Finals which is the big show when it comes to the NBA and there has been many more great individual performances in the Finals and tons of great performances in the playoffs not done in the Finals. But out of those I named I dont see how anyone could say that Bron's performance is the number 1 of all time. Heck it may not even be top 15

That was like game 3, or 4 of the NBA FINALS. LA LAKERS would not let Detroit use their training facility.

That is a top 3 performance all time in my mind, just because of the circumstances.
I agree, it was not the best performance ever...I think I would probably give that one to MJ, but it is a toss up....however if Lebron keeps performing, I think his performance will be more and more appreciated and climb up the ranks as the years go by not to mention all of his future playoff performances.
threebearfan said:
I agree with you, but it's only one post. When the Pistons win tonight this post will drop like flies. For the most part, posts are placed in the correct areas, so Im not complaining.

bump for 3
honestly this year's Finals are the worst they have ever been for me. Not only do I hate the Cavs now, I never really liked the Spurs, lol. I can honestly say I'm done watching basketball for the year, and I will not watch a single game of the Finals this year. Also I hope the Spurs win, hopefully quick too, even as much as I hate them, Lebron is still worse for me. Also so I dont have to hear about Lebron for the whole summer.
DANG for all you lebron haters. get down on your knee's the cavs beat the pistons. and man who else do you guys want to hate. i hear people hating on Kobe now its Lebron. who else is it going to be daniel gibson because he drain all those three's on the pistons which there team is trash. Just Love Lebron performance. please stop hating on lebron can you guys do any better. the only thing you guys can do is talk trash on the computer.(all the Lebron haters)
lol, I'd say it to your face, but I'm not going to Houston. ;) And why are the Pistons trash? They won the title back in 03-04, probably one more time than Lebron will have for atleast a few years, b/c I don't see them really beating the Spurs. Asfar as Gibson goes, I love seeing rookies do good, maybe not at my team's expence, lol, but darn it's always cool to see no namers get a name. lol The only time I'll even think about bowing to Lebron, is going to be when I finally decide to pick up the poster of him that I shredded up that was on my wall, that is now spread all over in pieces my bedroom floor.
I never understand how if a person is not a fan of a player that makes them a hater. I dont see anyone saying LeBron s_u_c_k_s they just say he isnt all time great and that makes them a hater? People are so silly sometimes. LeBron is still overrated. LeBron is a great player there is no arguing that but he isnt as great as some make him out to be. This happens all the time everyone jumps on a guys bandwagon they call that person the next Jordan then that guy gets hurt or his play for his entire career doesnt live up to the comparisons. So go ahead jump on the bandwagon bow down to him and kiss his feet but remember once upon a time people billed Mike Vick as the next great thing and were paying insane prices for his cards just to have them drop back to earth like a ton of bricks.

So lets not say people are crazy for not believing in Bron because the guy hasnt proven that he is an all time great. Its these types of comparisons that ruin a players overall status because you are putting him in a big pair of shoes that he just might not be able to fill and when he doesnt well thats when he starts to look like a slight dissapointment over time. Let the guy prove who he is because right now he is just a kid with a couple good playoff games to his name and three all star game appearances definately not the credits it takes to get one in to the hall of fame.

Now what if he goes out and gets stomped in the Finals by Tim Duncan and the Spurs? What if the Spurs sweep him and he doesnt show up at all are you all going to say he s_u_c_k_s now?
i am just saying because every board i go to lebron is trash. dude if he is trash he wouldnt be in the NBA first of all. and yeah i mean pistons arent trash but everytime rasheed wallece when he gets hit with a foul he gets ******. and what he gets T up or Ejected. i mean dang can that dude grow up. thats why pistons arent that great. i mean even though you guys won wow congrats. i mean they still ****. they didnt even have a center to play with they only had chris webber wow. congrats for him he is trash to.
WOAH! hey there buddy i wasnt backing him up i am just saying people like to talk crap about lebron. i know he is overrated everyone knows that. but i mean people are just killing his hype he made it into the finals and he is happy let the young man be. who cares. thats all i am saying.
Guys, not a single one, except for Chosenone have posted the absolute very best playoff performance, which is this one:

Bill Russell put up 30 points and 40 rebounds in game 7 of the NBA Finals

40 Boards in a game that is unheard of.
