Football Trippin? Tuesday: Thompson?s hand being forced

WOW I reallllllllllllllllllly hope that Favre does NOT come back...and I REALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLY hope that he doesnt end up going via Montana to another team.... it would be VERY VERY VERY bad to see him in ANY other jersey that a Packers jersey..... MAN it would be like seeing MJ on the Wizards, or Montana with the Cheifs, or Olajuwon with the Raptors or Ewing with Seattle....AWFUL!
emmitt as a cardinal.... dorsett as a bronco.... rice as a seahawk/bronco....

In all honesty, if Favre comes back... I would find it to be the most classless act in all of football... Football is nothing like basketball or baseball where a random person can be thrown in and success is automatically capable... This whole hoorah is just one more reason I dislike Favre...

marinocollector said:
emmitt as a cardinal.... dorsett as a bronco.... rice as a seahawk/bronco....

In all honesty, if Favre comes back... I would find it to be the most classless act in all of football... Football is nothing like basketball or baseball where a random person can be thrown in and success is automatically capable... This whole hoorah is just one more reason I dislike Favre...
i totally agree it makes me like them less
Yeah I hope Favre comes back for the Packers...but it would just **** seeing him in another uniform when he was Green Bay's beloved son for so long.