TCZ Fantasy Football - Sign Up Instructions

Sorry for not shipping the prize yet getting it out this week. Just got the email because I don't normally use yahoo
Just a head's up.

I run another league on yahoo, which was supposed to draft last night. About 20 minutes before the draft, I received an e-mail from yahoo that they were having system issues, and therefore, they were changing my league from live draft to autodraft. I did manage to reschedule the live draft, but if it happens again tonight, we are too close to the start of the season to change the draft time, so it could become an autodraft.

There has been no indication that the problem continues, and this is the first time this has happened in 15 years of having leagues on yahoo. Hopefully all goes well.

Just in case, I would recommend that everyone go to the site and ensure the player rankings are to your liking.
Just a head's up.

I run another league on yahoo, which was supposed to draft last night. About 20 minutes before the draft, I received an e-mail from yahoo that they were having system issues, and therefore, they were changing my league from live draft to autodraft. I did manage to reschedule the live draft, but if it happens again tonight, we are too close to the start of the season to change the draft time, so it could become an autodraft.

There has been no indication that the problem continues, and this is the first time this has happened in 15 years of having leagues on yahoo. Hopefully all goes well.

Just in case, I would recommend that everyone go to the site and ensure the player rankings are to your liking.

Thanks for the heads up, Brian. I'm not sure I'll have time to do that, now, but I'll try. I was planning on being here for the live draft, so hopefully that will still happen.
Looks like everything is good! Now I know what last night's problem was. they changed the entire look of the draft room! I guess it wasn't completed in time!
Well, that was fun. Not sure I really knew what I was doing, but the chat in there made it entertaining. Good luck on the season, everyone!
Looking over your draft results Mike, you have a pretty good squad!

Yahoo will "grade" everyone tomorrow, but it will be based on their rankings!
Looking over your draft results Mike, you have a pretty good squad!

Yahoo will "grade" everyone tomorrow, but it will be based on their rankings!

I didn't really look a whole lot at rankings. I tried to just pick the player I thought was best available for the position I needed/wanted. Then in the later rounds I tried to pick up as many Cowboys as I could. We'll see how well that works out for me. :LOL:

It'll be fun either way, though, I'm sure.
Sorry for not shipping the prize yet getting it out this week. Just got the email because I don't normally use yahoo

By the way, I never got an email. Just checked and still don't see it. Can someone enlighten me, or am I too late?
Brian, I got the PM and a B+ for my grade ;)

I'll mail out something to you next week. For the prize pot
Can't seem to find it post on where to send card prize. I've had them picked out for awhile. So would u post or send it addy. Later mike. Also mine will have around 6 cards and u can keep a couple for yourself. Also did we ever decide how to distribute. I say winner get 7 and SB loser get 3. My package will count as just one card
Later mike
I have sent out my address via the e-mail address registered on the Yahoo FFB site. However, I know that a number of people did not receive it.

If you are interested in donating to the prize pool, please PM me and I will send you my address.
Wow! I got absolutely hammered this week! I think I've been lucky to this point, though. We'll see how it goes the rest of the season. Hope everyone is keeping up with their team and not playing any players who are either out or have a bye week.

By the way, @bajmurray, I haven't sent my prize yet but I most definitely will be sending something. As soon as I get a chance it'll be on its way.