TCZ Fantasy Football - Sign Up Instructions

Well whatever we decide,lets decide before we draft. If 75 is too much Id say at least 3 cards worth up to 50.00
Everyone just post what ya think.
so who all is in the 2nd league chime in on the league board. Would really like active players to voice there opinions.
I am good with whatever the group decides, but it must be unanimous, because when I set up the league and accepted registrations, there was no requirement to contribute to the prize pool. As such, I would think something along the lines of a $10 card would be more reasonable.
Since I've never participated in a live draft on Yahoo before, does anyone know what happens if someone isn't there during the live draft? Is there a way to specify a draft order to let the system pick for you based on your mock order?
Mike: Yahoo will draft automatically for you. You can either have them draft based on their player rankings, or else you can rank the players yourself (recommended). Go to the league site, and click on "Draft Central" and then click "Pre-Draft Player Ranking". You will then see a tab which says "Edit My Pre-Draft Player Rankings" which will allow you to prioritize the players to your liking. Yahoo will then draft accordingly.
Great, thanks Brian. I'm hoping to be there but thought I'd get my list in just in case.