Football Lets try a Buy/Sell thread here !

i think adding another team to the nfl is not going to happen it might

texans will have a franchise team in couple of years.
sell. They will be stuck in the 5-7 win season's for years to come.


Cutler will have more success than Plummer, now that he will be starting?
Buy. He will make some rookie mistakes, but I think he will bring some excitement to that team and they will try to make him look good.


Roy Williams (Lions) gets traded within the next 3 years.
Sell : He is the only Wr that panned out outta of the 3 . They need to keep him .

Also about another team coming in. If a team isnt moved to LA they will get a expansion team . By 2010 now that is unlikely IMO or will be difficult but by 2020 yes I can see that happening . Now if LA gets one thats makes 33 which opens the door for 34 and who will be 34 if that happens ?


Las Vegas gets 34th franchise
Sell: I think they'll stick with him untill his contract runs out and if he doesnt make anything of himself let him go or sign him cheaply . He still could turn his career into something . Im not a fan of ppl judging after one yr . Last Alex Smith was Ryan Leaf-like and now he's decent and turning his career for the good .


49ers will regret drafting Vernon Davis at the 6th spot and Manny Lawson at 22nd pick
buy/sell: davis is maybe not worth the money they spent on him...but he is still an awesome TE. as long as he gets healthy, it was a good pick. Lawson i buy, he hasnt shown much yet

b/s: This years draft class will turn out to be the best draft calss ever?
buy: he is hated on because that bush wasnt taken by the texans, but he is still a top player

b/s Bush will pass sanders on rush yards

and btw...i meant drafts up until this one lol
sell: The 06 Draft Class is getting more oppertunities to play and even start

b/s: Lienart should have went into the draft in 05 instead of going back to USC?
Sell : I think Leinart will .

Couple of my opinions . Well Leinart should have gone early cause it cost him money but I think the Cards have a better future than what the 49ers do and thats where he's most likely of gone .

Also Barry Sanders is 3rd all time with 15269 , Reggie Bush shouldnt even be said in the same sentence as Sanders because that a insult to him . Bush will be lucky to get 10,000

Lt just scored his 23rd .

b/s Lt gets 30 or more
sell he not having tht good game agaisnt oakland right now

also bush is nowhere near any of these backs this year picked he had so much hype on him. also leinart is going to have a future in airzona but i think alex smith going to have a better career with vernon davis couple years when he blooms it going to make alex smith into a hofer ull see. all alex need s is a wr they got a back te jsut need a wr and dfense.

alex smith better then leinart