Football Lets try a Buy/Sell thread here !

Buy. He will definitely be a GOOD player, but not a GREAT one. Sort of like a michael vick.

Bears beat Patriots
second part (optional) - Patriots miss the game tying field goal (they will be missing vinatieri)
buy bears are going to kill patriots and it wont be by a field goal thy only won those games against good teams cause fo there kicker.
Sell : Green will lead them . Huard is nothing but a lifetime back up


Boise St gets crushed in whatever BCS game they get

Also on Jets/ Cowboys drafting Qb in first . Dont agree with that at all and if they are stupid . Cowboys have Romo who is young and is performing pretty good. Jets have Pennington still and they also drafted Kellen Clemens in the 2nd round last yr and also traded for Patrick Ramsey , So no Qb will be taken by these 2 teams .
Sell : I dont think they will . Even though Pat White will be less mobile because of his sprained foot . All this means is the game will be closer than 20 that said before

B/S Brett Farve throws 12 more tds this yr to break the All Time Record of 420
Sell - Favre is gonna have to wait until next year to break the record.


The Hawaii Warriors will score at least 40 points in their bowl game, no matter who they play.
sell. They do have agod offense, but there are a lot of good Defenses out there, it just depends on who they play.


49'ers will make the playoffs