Baseball hey i need some help


Bench Warmer
i got about 250 baseball cards frome about 1979-1992 mostly base some allstars ands about 10 top rated rookies frome donruss all in great shape some good players what about would they be worth.
Without knowing players names and the card specifics it's almost impossible to give you an estimate. From those years though odds are they are worth almost nothing unless you have some decent name RC's.
the cards are topp allstars george bell #612 don mattingly #606 tony bernazard #607 kirby puckett # 611 dave righetti # 616 stev sax #596 all topps frome 1986 i also got a donruss pete smith # 499 frome 1990 i have a donruss 1992 highlights bret saberhagen no hitter # 434 . 86 record breakers dave righetti # 5 and dave lopes #4frome topps. a topps danny tartabull allstar rookie # 476 frome 1989.2 topps 40 years of baseball jim vatcher #196 and alvin davis #515. 7 donruss rated rookie's frome 1992. pat mahomes #403 john ramos #15 d.j.dozier# 20 klye abbott #3 john jaha # 398 . mark wohlers # 1 and a dave fleming # 404 that might help some plus ai got a bunch of other good players and cards just i ant got the time to list theme