Philadelphia Crime Statistics (PA) - CityRating.com
notice all violent crime local and national averages
notice all violent crime local and national averages
jforbes01 said:you guys dont want this thread to end do you im running outta material lol
ac-n-mike said:I like this guy LOL
jforbes01 said:you guys dont want this thread to end do you im running outta material lol
jforbes01 said:and that graph for philly was listed in 2003 8 years old man
jforbes01 said:this says it all TSN: Annual Top Sports Cities List*|*StateFans Nation find another list that states otherwise be my guest
Dlong1 said:Oct. 2009! Come on can't you find something more up to date? Maybe I can find an article from 1960 that will declare the Eagles the NFL champions. I'll bet that would have you soiling your pants just thinking they actually won something.