K-1 Brock Lesnar


Bench Warmer
Anyone else see this?

Brock needs to get in the UFC stat, he's a bad a man.... Mounted on this dude, he made him TAP due to head strikes....

my arguement is someone like Lesnar would **** any of those fags that use their karate outfit to choke people... Lesnar would rip Gracies head off and then beat him with it.
my arguement is someone like Lesnar would **** any of those fags that use their karate outfit to choke people... Lesnar would rip Gracies head off and then beat him with it.

Not so sure about that. I've seen them choke out guys just as big. Using their gi is only a minimal wepon people like him have. If brock REALLY wants to fight some people with skills he'll enter the UFC or any other type of MMA event. If he's not serious, he'll continue fighting people like the guy he fought in that video.
Not so sure about that. I've seen them choke out guys just as big. Using their gi is only a minimal wepon people like him have. If brock REALLY wants to fight some people with skills he'll enter the UFC or any other type of MMA event. If he's not serious, he'll continue fighting people like the guy he fought in that video.

Brock is big and a amateur wrestling champion... he will **** that little choker and then **** him.
Brock is big and a amateur wrestling champion... he will **** that little choker and then **** him.

LMAO! Not saying he won't whoop a few people, but I seriously doubt he would dominate people like that. Especially someone in his weight class with sick jiu-jitsu or submissions like any of the gracies have. Like I said, if he is really serious about his skills, we'll see him in more MMA events soon.
He'd be a serious boost to the heavyweight division in UFC. When Dana needs to pretty much throw a TON of cash at Randy to come outta retirement to fight Sylvia, you know the heavyweight division is looking bleak.

Brock wouldn't dominate, but, would be successful.
LMAO! Not saying he won't whoop a few people, but I seriously doubt he would dominate people like that. Especially someone in his weight class with sick jiu-jitsu or submissions like any of the gracies have. Like I said, if he is really serious about his skills, we'll see him in more MMA events soon.

I remember watching Gracie against Shamrock when Shamrock was somebody, and after going the original time limit, when Shamrock had a little room he popped Gracie in the face really nice and swoll him up. Lesnar would **** all the gracies just line them up.
I remember watching Gracie against Shamrock when Shamrock was somebody, and after going the original time limit, when Shamrock had a little room he popped Gracie in the face really nice and swoll him up. Lesnar would **** all the gracies just line them up.

That's back when they didn't have weight classes too. I remember that fight as well and if Shamrock wasn't facing gracie he probly would have tried to submit him, but why would you try and submit someone like Gracie? Makes more sense to jack him up instead. If Lesnar fought now he would have to fight people his size and some of them will have comparable submission skills to Shamrock and Gracie. They will rip his big *** arms off and leave him one big PECK monsta!
He'd be a serious boost to the heavyweight division in UFC. When Dana needs to pretty much throw a TON of cash at Randy to come outta retirement to fight Sylvia, you know the heavyweight division is looking bleak.

Brock wouldn't dominate, but, would be successful.

It should get better with the acquisition of Pride... :shifty:
Fidel - Then Fertitta's could throw more cash at Brock, since they acquired Pride. That's one of the terrible traits of Brock: he's just in it for a paycheck, or title, no matter what he does. Then, he gets bored and quits. Sucks for us, the fans of Brock. :ban: