Sad to hear but understandable
For the record I'm still on the following sites all under "Krusin", maybe others can list where they haunt before this place goes away. (mostly use this site for reading, hardly ever post, I do like watching thier in store breaks during the week & have participated in a few, you really see a ton of product broken daily, just go to thier BlowoutTV link) (likely to be the next site to go bye bye) (great site, Hockey heavy but lately expanding quickly to other sports) (OK site, gone thru a bunch of upgrades lately, turned some off but most seem to be returning) (another Heavy Hockey site from Canada, really geared to selling GB's & store merch. that can be gotten MUCH cheaper elsewhere)
I also check out Beckett rarely just to see if it's still around. If you guys are at any of these places under another name be sure to send me a PM from the site so I'll know who you are.
Thanks for the ride TCG, we'll always have the memories & I hope to see you all eslewhere.