Hello From the Pac NW


Bench Warmer
Hi everyone,

You guys probably get this alot but I was just given appox. 18,000 sports cards. 90% are baseball. the other 10% is Football and Baskteball. I just have no idea even where to start. I'm a college student and don't have the time or drive to sort and all that stuff. From what I have seen the years range from 1979 to 2006. I can't tell if what is written on some of the boxs is true. For instance one box says 550 cards 500 @ $0.40 and 50 @ $0.10 equaling $205. I looked in the box and the 500 are Topps Finest 1999 with some crazy protector plastic things on them. very shiny. Where do I start? are there collectors out there that buy lots of cards like this from people or am I stuck with 18,000 cards? What would be a fair price? Even at like 3.5 cents apiece thats like $600.

Thank you
that was just thrown into the mystifying world of collector sports cards

I posted this in the MLB forum but I thought this would be a better venue.
Hiya Elias! :) Welcome to the site. Glad to have you on board!! :) If you have any questions, or need help with anything please don't hesitate to give me, or one of the other staff members a shout. ;)

Welcome to SCFreaks! Believe it or not, some people do buy cards in bulk. Unlucky for you, there's a catch. Most people will buy in bulk of a team/year/set only. If you have a system then it's all smooth sailing from there.
I would recommend going out and buying a baseball beckett. Try to pull out the best baseball cards you got and sell those individually. Then find someone like Burbank that buys in bulk and sell then the rest.