Hello All!!


Bench Warmer
Hello everyone. My name is Duane (bet ya never woulda figured that out). I used to be on BMB a lot and am now a memeber of the staff at ***

I figured I would pop over here and see if there are any Steelers or HOFers I can pick up.

- Duane

MOD EDIT: glad you came over from BECKETT, but please do NOT spam other sites... (I know that on the site you MOD on they do not allow that either...THANKS)
Hiya Duane! Welcome to the site. :) Glad to have you on board!! If you have any other questions, or need help with anything please don't hesitate to give me, or one of the other staff members a shout. ;)

Welcome to SCFreaks enjoy your stay here and be sure to join us in the chat room and say hi. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask any staff member.