Giants talking to Rice about replacing Strahan.


Bench Warmer
Should be interesting to see where this goes. Strahan still has not talked to anyone about what he is going to do and the Giants are ready to move on. If Rice is healthy the Giants may just sign him this week. They are totally calling Strahan's bluff since everyone thinks this is about money and that he doesn't really want to retire. Giants aren't going to restructure his contract so it looks like Strahan might be finished as a Giant, which makes me sad but I really think he is being a selfish prick.

From Jerry Reese:

"We're very serious (about moving on)," Reese told the Daily News during yesterday's afternoon practice. "We can't sit on our hands waiting to see if the guy is ready to return. Do we want him here? Sure. But if he wants to retire, we'll wish him the best. We can win without him."

Funny thing about this is Strahan and Rice have had a fued for years on who is better.
How much was Strahan's last contract? These guys can't have it both ways. If you want the security of a long term deal (I know teams can cut players easily), then you give up their right to demand a new contract half way through the deal. If you want the opportunity for more money after 2-3 years, only sign a 2-3 year deal.

Good for the Giants to call his bluff.
How much was Strahan's last contract? These guys can't have it both ways. If you want the security of a long term deal (I know teams can cut players easily), then you give up their right to demand a new contract half way through the deal. If you want the opportunity for more money after 2-3 years, only sign a 2-3 year deal.

Good for the Giants to call his bluff.

Strahan got this contract 6 or years ago and it was heavily front loaded and he made a comment at the time aobut how great the organization was for believing in him to give him such a large contract and how grateful he was. Sham!

Now during the offseason two DEs got huge contracts and he thinks he should be able to get more as well but your contract is what it is. He was making like 7 or 8 million a year and this year it went down to 4 million. DEAL WITH IT!

I don't see this ending well and I don't see Strahan back on the Giants this year. It will definitely hurt and they may have to move Kiwi back to DE which opens a huge whole at LB. What a selfish dick Strahan is being. I hope they sign Rice and he breaks Strahan's single season sack record.
Buccs fans may hate this, but I think Strahan is twice the defender Rice is. Strahan plays the DE position to pure effectiveness vs. the run and the pass. I've seldom seen a DE that controls outside containment as well as he does. Rice has some nice rush moves and can explode to the passer but he disappears in alot of games and isn't a factor. I've rarely watched a Giants game where Strahan isn't a factor.