Bcs Bets?

The voters, who will likely decide among 2 or 3 undefeateds, some with real weak schedules, and some better quality one-loss teams. They will definitely express regional biases, so who could say at this point? They ranked an obviously defensively porous Texas team #1, so I would hate to see how it all shakes down. I see a BCS Champ that will not be unanimous in the polling. The fans will be the winners IF, FINALLY, some type of and-1 format is established.
There wont be any undefeateds. What we'll be looking at is about 8-10 1 loss teams that will all have a gripe to get in

Whats going to screw everything up is the ACC and Big East
Bama will lose 1. If Tech can beat ou like Texas did then they will go unbeaten. They will probably play penn state because of their week schedule. That will leave TEXAS vs Florida in an unofficial National Championship game.