Football A possible fake auto seller on ebay?

Yeah most of them look pretty bad to me. I sent him a polite message saying "These may be faked. I'm not sure where you acquired them but I'd not be buying from them again." Although there is a definite possibility he faked them himself, I don't wanna get a warning from ebay...>_>
Both those mannings look fake to me as well. I have dozens of manning autos and not one of them remotely resemebles those pictured above.
I just watched him try and sell a 05' Absolute Larry Johnson w/ a sig that was not stamped or numbered. When I emailed him about it he claimed it was a personal Auto, so it had no coa.
After looking at the ones he had in completed items I'd say a majority of they were fake. One of the Elway autos actually looks ok to me and so does the Unitas. That Montana/Rice dual poster looked legit as well. Most of the rest were fake for sure though.