2 trade issues I would like to clear up.


Bench Warmer
long time ago i sent a box of around 100 84 donruss cards to ArnyVee. He never returned my cards nor payment. i mentioned this to Bhelser who refferred him here and said the guy was all right. today I sent my last email to him requesting payment or I would contact autorities( I learned that from Mike). how do you actually do this? I don't like leaving idle threats so I would like to follow thru with the plan if he doesn't respond. It's only $10 I'm asking but it bothers me and would like to wipe that plate clean.
Issue 2 is similar but not so old. trade with Barman. Isent cards. He PM'd he's got em then nothing other than saying he was moving and no internet connection. More money this time, Like $50 he owes. so thare's my story. i just want to clear these up and move on. Jim
You have a couple of options.

First you can file an internet fraud report with the IFCC. Look up internet fraud report and you should be able to find the link to the online form. You can also file mail fraud if you have some type of proof of sending. Finally you can file with the police department. You would need to call his local police department and file a complaint with the detectives agency.

Other options would be to find the gentleman's phone number and call him and talk to him. Try to find him on other websites, check his profile and see if he listed any other website usernames, then look at those sites and try to find him. Often tracking them down via information and bugging them to send it will get you your stuff back. In my experience there really aren't that many true theives on the website. Mostly just people who are lazy and/or forget to send. Finally if you cannot get them to send the best bet is to contact other moderators on other sites and get the person banned multiple places. This will lead to a substantial amount of pressure and often the people will cave in or end up not tradnig anywhere.
Admin said:
You have a couple of options.

First you can file an internet fraud report with the IFCC. Look up internet fraud report and you should be able to find the link to the online form. You can also file mail fraud if you have some type of proof of sending. Finally you can file with the police department. You would need to call his local police department and file a complaint with the detectives agency.

Other options would be to find the gentleman's phone number and call him and talk to him. Try to find him on other websites, check his profile and see if he listed any other website usernames, then look at those sites and try to find him. Often tracking them down via information and bugging them to send it will get you your stuff back. In my experience there really aren't that many true theives on the website. Mostly just people who are lazy and/or forget to send. Finally if you cannot get them to send the best bet is to contact other moderators on other sites and get the person banned multiple places. This will lead to a substantial amount of pressure and often the people will cave in or end up not tradnig anywhere.
Bolded....case in point.......Brandon Surber :p