What one wrestler would you like to see wrestle again?

My Cousin used to be a professional wrestler for TNA. Unfortunately he had a career ending ankle injury, Doc said 4-6 weeks he choose 4 so they wouldn't forget about him, got the Cast off on a Tuesday and wrestled on the friday, crushed his ankle once again.
Ring Name: Andy Jaxx (his other name is too "X-Rated" to post) google him if you like.
I wish I could've seen D|ck The Bruiser wrestle. My Dad used to tell me stories about going to see him live and the guy was hardcore before hardcore was the in-thing.
There are so many. Id like to see Tazz wrestle again. The Hart FOundation, The British Bulldogs, Id love to see the original ECW again. Not the crap McMahon turned it into, I mean the stuff back in the early to mid 1990s

As for Hogan, he's a chump. He and Ed Leslie (Beefcake) walked into a mall down in FL a while back. Kids ran up and asked for thier autos. Beefcake stood there signing while hogan pushed his way through the kids and left. So he doesnt compare to guys like HHH, Cena, etc, who actually care for the fans.
I would like to see the Ultimate Warrior, he scared me as a kid but he is cool, and Hulk Hogan. Yeah, those two would be great
Butch said:
There are so many. Id like to see Tazz wrestle again. The Hart FOundation, The British Bulldogs, Id love to see the original ECW again. Not the crap McMahon turned it into, I mean the stuff back in the early to mid 1990s

As for Hogan, he's a chump. He and Ed Leslie (Beefcake) walked into a mall down in FL a while back. Kids ran up and asked for thier autos. Beefcake stood there signing while hogan pushed his way through the kids and left. So he doesnt compare to guys like HHH, Cena, etc, who actually care for the fans.

I was so stoked when Tazz signed with the WWF and they kept showing the teaser videos on the jumbotron every week on Raw. It ***** that his body couldn't handle the sport anymore by the time he finally came over. He was such a bad @ss