Wanted:junk Gu/auto


Bench Warmer
I want to trade for lots of junk GU cards. There are some guidelines though.

-Has to be from 2001-present
-No Presspass, Sage, or anything like that it must be an official brand

Let me know what you have
gordo-as in tons how many are we talking? it depends on the number you have. and they do have to be in good condition and from major brands and from 2001-present.
basketball only? I got 30-40 at least. WHat are you looking to trade?
oh ok nice as long as they are in those guidelines i mentioned before id trade you for them...check my site and lmk what you like...inserts, rc's, gu, and autos....obviously wont trade any jr smiths or melo auto or anything like that though