I rule at life
Anyone bleive it or is it fake?
xstat32x said:If you've been following the whole show and the whole storyline around Vince McMahon you knew something was going to happen.
He lost the ECW title and after that he went into a deep depression (his character now) and he went bipoloar (again his character). Also on last Fridays Smackdown he said he had visions of a big black cloud (hence the bomb). Monday was Vince McMahon appreciation night and they had a lot of people come on and say why they appreciate Vince and only about 2 people said somethin good about him. Thats why he commited *******.
Also like the article stated it was spliced together. Also WWE didn't have to **** someone off on TV to get ratings. There ratings are in the high 3's like 3.6-3.9 every week. And guess what this past edition of Raw did a 3.8. So it's not like this helped the ratings any.
xstat32x said:Umm is wasnt the youth who said stuff about him. It was celebrities and fellow wrestlers that said bad **** about him.
And you wanna talk about role models? How about the baseball stars that are juiced, how about the football players that go to jail every other day, or how about the basketball stars that ***** and moan because they don't get money. Yea those are really people to grow up and be your role models.
I'm not sayin all professional athletes are bad people because about 95% of them are good people. But you can't say that because of a storyline that its re****** that people watch the stuff or be there role models.
Also last I checked Vince McMahon was a "heel" which means hes hated so im sure the youth of america was really looking up to him. Plus Vince McMahon the person not the character has done more for charity and for a lot of stuff than these other commisioners have done. What has the NBA done for the troops or how about the NFL or the MLB? They promote what they do and say looky how great we are look what we do. Vince goes every year around Christmas time to Iraq and puts on a show for the troops and do you ever hear anything about it? No they just go over there like its another tour and enjoy themselves. You don't see any WWE Cares commercials do you? No. And all the troops, from what I've seen, there favorite thing is when WWE goes over there. So you wanna sit here and knock at how bad WWE is and blah blah blah and how ridiculous the storylines are. Well you kno what why dont you take a second and step back and realize the good that the WWE does not what there storylines consist of.
Also when was the last time Ryan Zimmerman did anything for charity or for the troops? Yea exactly.