Vince McMahon dies????

How are you going to tell me that professional wrestlers (ie TNA wrestlers and WWE wrestlers) are not great athletes? Name me one athlete who has the work load and schedule they have. They work 4 out of the 7 days a week and bust there *** doing it. There on the road 300 days a year. They do more in 1 year than all other sports do in 2. So you are going to tell me that they aren't real athletes? Your a joke.

Who cares if the storylines are planned and the outcomes are planned. Thats the only thing fake about wrestling in the WWE. If it was so fake then there wouldn't be an injury every other week in the WWE. If it wasn't fake Stone Cold, Chris Benoit, Gregory Helmes, and the list goes on and on of people who have broken necks. So yea the outcomes and all that stuff is scripted but the action isn't and I guarantee you 95% of the other athletes in this world (MLB NHL NBA NFL) couldn't do what wrestlers can do.

And to the guy who said NBA does a lot of charity work. Thats fine let em do charity work but why pay for a commercial or two every game just to make your league look good? Charity work is suppose to be behind the scenes stuff that cameras aint suppose to film. Yet the NBA promotes there league with the nba cares crap because they wont there players to look good and so they can shed there little 'thug image' they have goin. Its not to be good citizens cause if it was we wouldnt have to suffer through NBA Cares commercials. Its just a publicity stunt to show that they have good people in the league and its ridiciulous.
Being passionate is one thing, but xStat32x you're a bit overboard with the attitude.

Some friendly advice, take it down a notch or two. ;) Telling a Mod he is a joke because of his opinion is a surefire way to wind up on the outside looking in. (I know lol)

Like I said, just some friendly advice.

xstat32x said:
How are you going to tell me that professional wrestlers (ie TNA wrestlers and WWE wrestlers) are not great athletes? Name me one athlete who has the work load and schedule they have. They work 4 out of the 7 days a week and bust there *** doing it. There on the road 300 days a year. They do more in 1 year than all other sports do in 2. So you are going to tell me that they aren't real athletes? Your a joke.

Who cares if the storylines are planned and the outcomes are planned. Thats the only thing fake about wrestling in the WWE. If it was so fake then there wouldn't be an injury every other week in the WWE. If it wasn't fake Stone Cold, Chris Benoit, Gregory Helmes, and the list goes on and on of people who have broken necks. So yea the outcomes and all that stuff is scripted but the action isn't and I guarantee you 95% of the other athletes in this world (MLB NHL NBA NFL) couldn't do what wrestlers can do.

And to the guy who said NBA does a lot of charity work. Thats fine let em do charity work but why pay for a commercial or two every game just to make your league look good? Charity work is suppose to be behind the scenes stuff that cameras aint suppose to film. Yet the NBA promotes there league with the nba cares crap because they wont there players to look good and so they can shed there little 'thug image' they have goin. Its not to be good citizens cause if it was we wouldnt have to suffer through NBA Cares commercials. Its just a publicity stunt to show that they have good people in the league and its ridiciulous.

I respected your opinion, and I gave my opinion. If you do not wish to respect the members and the staff on this site, you will face disciplinary action. Consider this your only warning.
Zimmerman thanks for the advice but i never post here cause I dont even have cards. I just joined for the help of my friend who I wont mention.

Duke whatever man. I can show you a clip where Stone Cold broke his neck at the hands of Steve Austin. I can show you a clip where Sabu broke his neck at the hands of Chris Benoit. I can show you a video where Taz broke his neck at the hands of Dean Malenko. I can show you where Triple H tore his quads twice. Its not the only time a real injury happened when Owen died. Please dude do you even watch wrestling?

And Sandberg go ahead dude send me on a vacation. It really dont matter to me lol