Football Trading Memories: Former NFL Stars Recall Stories Behind Their Cards

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Trading Memories: Former NFL Stars Recall Stories Behind Their Cards
This story begins, as so many do, by accident. We were at the CBS Sports NFL Media luncheon last August. We were waiting to talk to former Texans general manager Charlie Casserly. Just to the right of Casserly stood Randy Cross, three-time All-Pro and owner of three Super Bowl rings. Darting from the front of the room, Ian Eagle, CBS announcer extraordinaire, came up to Cross with his arm extended. He had found Cross' football card in his collection the night before and wanted to give it to him. That's when we discovered The Phenomenon. Cross immediately recognized the moment in the card. "I remember this game," Cross began explaining to Eagle. "It was my third year, I had just broken my wrist the week before, and right before the half, I broke my left ankle and missed the rest of that year." The two chatted about it for a little while longer, until a light bulb went on: Is this just some feat that Cross can pull because maybe he's a football card junkie?