Tikitomoka's IP Thread

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graphed the clippers at their hotel wednesday, then the pacers at the game. the clippers were no where near as good as they were last season, i think it was due to the difference in amount of people at the hotel. eric gordon signed as he was getting into a cab until some lady smacked his hand out of the way to quit signing that was with him so that was kinda weird. chris kaman was a complete tool about signing... apparently that morning someone asked him to write "Go Clippers" and he told the guy that it sounded gay before he wrote it. then when he was coming out to get on the bus i asked him to sign and he said "i did earlier for all of you" and i told him i wasnt there and he just put his hand up and said sorry in a sarcastic way, then another kid (sorry for rambling lol) asked if he should skip school just to get kaman's autograph and chris just said "yep". kinda ridiculous but whatever. ricky davis/butler/skinner/thornton (he wasnt the night before) were one per.

lol these hotels in Indy now are just getting rediculous...and on another note, I wonder what's gotten into T.J. Ford lately lol?? Now if only he would sign for EVERYONE haha. It was nice to see Solomon out at shootaround tonight, though.
Ndudi44Ebi said:
lol these hotels in Indy now are just getting rediculous...and on another note, I wonder what's gotten into T.J. Ford lately lol?? Now if only he would sign for EVERYONE haha. It was nice to see Solomon out at shootaround tonight, though.
yeah i was about to leave before i did. did you end up staying for dirk and terry there? i know there were a couple other major things going on that night/weekend, but for all those people to stop it was crazy. lol yeah he's been good, although im not sure if he likes doing it :D
graphed the mavs at their hotel, and the pacers at the game. Like Ndudi said above, the hotel last night was CRAZY. there were other events going on downtown so it was pretty packed everywhere, but then people started stopping at the hotel to take pics and stuff when the players came out. so there ended up being 50 or so people there, with a large amount of people being on BOTH sides of the hotel entrance. i got really frustrated and just left before dirk and terry came out. the mcroberts came from someone else that knows his grandma, i just made the cards for him so i got to keep one along which is cool.

#100 for the set

then my first signed jersey (can take a pic if needed, scanning was just easier). the first 100 people to fill out 200 allstar ballots got a Granger signing after the game, so i took advantage and got it signed. its an allstar jersey btw
yeah i stayed until the bus left...I guess somehow I missed Beaubois and Rick Carlisle??? I didn't see them leave the hotel at all...and I know Beaubois is a tremendous signer and I really wanted him but oh well (TTM now I guess haha). You wouldn't believe the madness that happened when Dirk came out...he was the last one to the bus as well. OMG so crazy then...absolutely no control over the crowd then. Best bet is definitely TTM lol. Terry came out at the door farthest away, and he came out in this large expensive fur coat and you could hardly tell it was him lol and he only signed for 2 people I believe (on the other side of the crowd). But from what I've learned is to definitely just mail all my Mavs stuff to them as they all sign and also NEVER try to get autos on Black Friday!!! Oh, and did you see the stantions fall over??? I thought we were definitely gonna get told to leave...but the main security guy did threaten with getting restraining orders on the people not inside the stantions (which would have been restraints on a whole lot of people lol).
glad i didnt stay then lol. i asked beaubois to sign, but he just ignored me (i was the only one that even recognized him), and carlisle went to the other side and signed :rolleyes:.
ah I guess I missed both then by being distracted by all the other "events" there at the hotel lol. I heard Beaubois loves to sign and signs everything, guess this time it was different.
went to the nets hotel then the pacer game last night. they were pretty decent at the hotel, terrance williams signed but it took him atleast a minute to sign 5 autographs and he wasnt even looking while he was signing. his cab pulled up so he left and didnt sign for the rest of us. CDR was one per. tony battie only signed one and it was for someone on a jersey (maybe he felt bad that someone bought his jersey). then i couldnt graph pregame because i was waiting on my ticket guy, but then someone just gave us two 6th row tickets which made up for waiting i think. i got obrien and mcbob after the game. i also got a pic with mcbob, obrien, and marco andretti who was there
(larry bird)

(quinn buckner)

did the bobcats at the hotel wednesday
Stephen Jackson 1/1
Tyson Chandler 1/1 - 08/09 topps
DJ Augustin - 1/1
Boris Diaw - 1/2
Gerald Henderson - 2/2 (silver pen didnt work on one so i asked him to sign the other one which i got in blue)
Derrick Brown - 2/2 (silver pen didnt work very well, but it worked well enough for derrick brown)
Larry Brown - 1/1

everyone except Diop and Mohammed signed


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