Football Texans' Robinson fined $25K for shoe stunt


Bench Warmer
Dunta Robinson's contract message on his shoe in Sunday's season opener cost him $25,000.

During Sunday's 24-7 loss to the Jets, the Houston Texans cornerback wore shoes with the words "Pay me Rick" written on them, in reference to general manager Rick Smith. On Wednesday, Robinson was fined by the team for his actions.

Robinson remains miffed about not getting a long-term contract with the team despite signing his franchise tender more than a week ago.

"I got here today, and it was in my locker," Robinson told reporters, referring to the letter notifying him of the fine. "I knew it was coming. I talked to Rick [on Monday], and he said he was going to fine me, so there's nothing to be surprised about.

"It was over a long time ago. I've moved on. Me and Rick don't have a problem. I'm focused on Tennessee [this Sunday]."

Smith explained the team's reasoning for the fine, although coach Gary Kubiak had said Monday that Robinson didn't face a suspension or fine.

"When he reported to sign his contract, I explained to him how important it was that he not let his contract status become a distraction," Smith said, according to the Houston Chronicle. "He assured me he would do that.

"That's not the message we want to send. I explained that to him Monday. I let him know that clearly he didn't get the message when we talked the week before, and we were not pleased with it, and we were going to fine him and that we expected that his behavior be more reflective of our team philosophy and what we believe in."

Texans owner Bob McNair said the team doesn't need any distractions.

"Anybody that's being a distraction is not helping our team," he said when asked about Robinson. "That's the message and that's what the coaches have told them and that's what Rick has told them. It's time to be a professional and go out and do your job."