TCZ Fantasy Football 2015 Edition

I missed the whole draft till the end, when I saw Eli Manning on my team I threw in the white flag :LOL: How can they give me a B grade(n)
Lol, Gronks on my team. Sorry Mike.

Wow!! Turned out to be very close between us. I lost by 0.18 points. What a close one! Not sure I've ever seen one any closer, but I haven't been playing long. Lucky for you I had no idea one of my receivers wasn't even playing! Doh! :banghead:
Wow!! Turned out to be very close between us. I lost by 0.18 points. What a close one! Not sure I've ever seen one any closer, but I haven't been playing long. Lucky for you I had no idea one of my receivers wasn't even playing! Doh! :banghead:
Yes in deed, yeah I didnt even update my line up, didnt put Bell in for the lions, didnt do much anyways :LOL: Been busy but keeping a eye when I can :cool: I just got lucky Mike
comeback seems to have fallen short. only 76 points from my 3 players playing tonight. 9 points to go and only 2 minutes.
Only?!?! That's just 7 less points than my entire team got this week! :facepalm:
Ended up 2 points short. I thought I had no chance going into last night and then the points just kept coming. 82.50 between Charles, Cobb, and Kelce.
Yeah, this was a horrible week for me. I actually had 2 guys that didn't get a single point, and they both played the entire game!!
Congratulations to Goldrusher and zdark!

You are now both in possession of "Bragging Rights" for the next year!

Invitations for next season will go out during the summer. Thanks to all for playing!
My team did really well the last 2 games of the season and both playoff games, but it was too little too late. Congrats to @joemontana25!

I look forward to seeing you all again next season, when I will finally bring home the championship!! ;)