Take a Card, Leave a Card

I am glad you liked that one. I do not have much hockey and I new that I had that coming in, which is what delayed the shipment.
Thanks, wasn't sure who put it in the package, thought CHF Mark did, neitherless was a awsome way to get on my good side,Thanks so much, I believe that it was his last year as a Wings Player, which makes it even special.
I would so had taken the Federov had it made it over here, sounds sweet :D and Paul no need for an apology about more cards, just makes the rest of us want to up our game a bit ;)
The package has made it to my house, will have time to look through it tomorrow, and will mail it out on Monday!
Just to update, the package will be mailed out tomorrow. I was a little busy with a huge purchase that I just made.
This thing seems to be moving right along. :D

By the way, we won't be adding any new members until this chain is completed. Once the package gets back here I'll swap some of the cards out, find out who wants to be in the next one, and send it on its way again.
Great pick Ken.. this package wont fit in anyones mail box when we get all the way around :LOL:
Yeah, we'll be doing that as soon as everyone checks back in again. :)

I'm asuming I'll still be right after you, seeing as the shipping over here is more than around the states? (most of the time atleast) Or am I way off on that?
I'm asuming I'll still be right after you, seeing as the shipping over here is more than around the states? (most of the time atleast) Or am I way off on that?

Yeah, most likely we'll keep all the international members at the top. If we get more, though, they will be random too just in their own group.