Take a Card, Leave a Card

Is the Box mailed out to Mark? just wondering :)

Sorry, it is not. I've been so busy with work this week that I simply haven't had time to get it out. It will be out before the end of the week though. Thanks for keeping me in check!
This package is on its way to Denmark! Mark, when you're ready to send the package out, just PM the next person in line for their address.
That's great Mike, what would be the estimated cost for shipping in the State's on the Box? Adding DC, Just for the head's up when I ship back!

I will be adding some nice stuff, can't wait, all I have is Hockey Guy's, so make sure you post your team's.

So far...
That's great Mike, what would be the estimated cost for shipping in the State's on the Box? Adding DC, Just for the head's up when I ship back!

I will be adding some nice stuff, can't wait, all I have is Hockey Guy's, so make sure you post your team's.

So far...

Right now it's not really a "box". I put everything inside a medium sized bubble mailer and sent it out. All of the cards are not in toploaders. I also used some of the plastic slide cases. The original idea was that each person would take, and leave, the same number of cards so that the package wouldn't get so large that the next person wouldn't be able to mail it back out. I've actually witnessed something similar to that before, and I'm not sure what ever ended up happening to the package. :LOL:

Oh, and inside the US, that package will probably cost around $5 to ship.
Also, if everyone would rather we just use a box for this, let me know. I can get Mark to send the package back to me when he's done, convert everything into a box, and send it back out to the next person.
This package is on its way to Denmark! Mark, when you're ready to send the package out, just PM the next person in line for their address.

Oki doki :) wow, $5 over there? that'll be expensive for me to ship back :LOL:

But, lemme get this straight.. If I like two cards, I take those two (and leave two of course).. It's not limited to one? or?..
Got ya Mike, bubble mailer is fine, will send mine with top loader, keep it within $6 for delivery, see how the first round goes!
No, it's not limited to just 1 card. ;) As long as you leave as many as you take, all is good.

Sweet, good, cool :D

And bubblemailer is much preferred, those boxes can cost a whole lot to ship :thumbdn:
I've got the package! Just opened it, and man theres nice stuff in here! :D

Tough choice(s) :p