Racing Press Pass Addresses Keselowski Autograph Controversy


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
After several people quesitoned the Brad Keselowski "autopen" controversy, Press Pass posted this on their Facebook Page:

...thank you for bringing this to our attention. We will review when everyone is back in the office on Monday and let everyone who is in posession of the autographs in question know the resolution. Thank you to everyone for your patience. We really appreciate it.

What's next? Are we going to find out that the cards containing Brad's Firesuits are really Firesuits from his brother Bob? or maybe one of his crew members?
5/1/2012 UPDATE:

Posted on the Press Pass FB Page (Note: this was NOT addressed as a new subject. this was merely added to one of the many comments concerning this fiasco, so it got buried).

We wanted to follow up with everyone and let you all know that we are still working on this! We have been working to get a resolution non-stop! We should have an official plan of action put together by the end of this week. Again, thank you for your patience and continued support, we really appreciate it!

Wow...almost sounds like an answer from one of the Presidential Debates!
UPDATE: 5/5/12

It has now been ONE week since the "auto-gate" (not to be confused with Watergate) fiasco was discovered.

Press Pass has not given an update on this. (Nothing posted on their official site or FB).

Maybe they are doing this: "...if we ignore it long enough, people will forget about it."
Well, maybe other people will start to see the real Press Pass, and their practices, like I did a year ago. They are not as squeaky clean as people think. I'l tell you all this though! If it were my responsibility to correct this situation, I would have implemented a plan the very next day it came to light. Anyone with an IQ of more than a tomato can plainly see that every one of BK's autos is exactly the same. Do something about it, don't wait! Pretty amazing that he can do that. I can't ever sign my name the same even twice.