Baseball Please answer the 2 new questions for my first show!


Angels #1 fan
Hey everyone these are the first 2 questions on our show
if you give a good answer you might just be refernced on our show
answer both or just one
watever works for you!

1. Do you believe that all the players that are speaking out against steroids are people who do it and are just trying to stay undercover about it? Tell us if you think they are frauds themselves or if they are not! And why.

2. What is your favorite card product from 2009 so far? Why is it your favorite?

Either reply to these on here
Send your answer to our email at - [email protected]

This will be one of the first topics we speak about on our show.
And if you have any questions or need advice on trades we will answer them on our show!
Thanks a lot!
1. I don't think they all are frauds, some might be but the tests are pretty accurate themselves.

2. Topps 2009 is the only 09 product I've seen busted so i'd go with that.
I think they are all juicers!!! and why wouldnt they be, prior to 03 it wasnt against the rules to use steriods in baseball and the contracts the top players get, the temptation would be to great for most to resist!!
Prime cuts is the best product in any sport , not just baseball
1.I believe that "some" may throw others under the bus to cover themselves up but the majority of players just want playing the sport of baseball to be a fair game to everyone. And by speaking out, some think it will make a more level playing field for MLB. Quotes:"Babe Ruth did it on hot dogs and beer. Hank Aaron did it with class" and now we supposedly have performance enhancing ***** to make someone better at the game of baseball. What has MLB come to???

2. The 2009 Topps series 1 product is really the only one ive seen so far. So i would have to go with that. But I also think that recent-past years, topps has had a nicer looking product.
1. i got a new nickname for the sport and that is far a-rod is the only one not sitting at a table with half-a-dozen 1000 dollar an hour lawers saying no i didnt with dozens of people all saying yes you did.
tysonnz said:
I think they are all juicers!!! and why wouldnt they be, prior to 03 it wasnt against the rules to use steriods in baseball

It was still illegal. People say it wasn't against the rules. That's a load of shinola. It is against the rules to be involved in illegal activities. Using a controled substance is an illegal activity, therefore it was still against the rules. I am so tired of the argument that "it wasn't against the rules". That's just a copout. It's like saying football shouldn't suspend Michael vick because it isn't against the rules of Football to run a Dog-Fighting Ring.
