
Bench Warmer
SCFreaks wants you to help you share and show off your favorite items in your collection. Whether it's a favorite card, memorabilia piece, or odd ball collectible we want to see it! Beginning 12/17/2012 we will randomly select a different member's submissions to feature each week on the SCFreaks Home page. To enter your favorite item(s) for consideration simply post scans or pics on this thread.

Thank you for allowing the members to do this!








Nice, I like this idea. For my first post here Ill put up a card I dont think anybody has ever seen or even heard about. Met Christy at a meet and greet a few years ago. (right when she joined TNA and was a wrestler still). She gave me a funny look handing her a WWE TCG card, but was cool with it and we joked about it. Anyways, my only sports or sports entertainment IP auto:

I may as well put my 2 cents in:
Here is a little something I was lucky enough to run across one day

Signed by the entire 1969 NY "Amazing" Mets & Ed Sullivan........
Front and back of the album...yes the vinyl record is still inside
The Sopranos Ink

Here is my Sopranos ink collection. This show is by far my favorite show ever, and I'm always looking to add to my collection signatures of any actors, and actresses who played a part in the show.

She played Tony's daughter Meadow Soprano.

He played Tony's son AJ Soprano (Anthony Jr) This card was never inserted into packs. They arrived back to Inkworks long after packout, and were vaulted up until the company liquidated all assets to dealers.

He played Tony's uncle Junior Coraddo Soprano. This card was issued only as a dealer perk for those who bought cases of their products.

She played Tony's sister Janice Soprano, and wife of Soprano Capo Bobby Baccalieri.

She played Rosalie Aprile, the widow of the original New Jersey crime Boss Jackie Aprile, who was Tony's father's Johnny's dear friend, and Tony's as well. She was good friends with Tony's wife Carmella

He played the Soprano's family priest Father Phil Intintola.

She played Charmaine Bucco the wife of Tony's childhood friend Artie Bucco. They owned a fine dining restaurant that was frequented by Tony, and his family, as well as the whole Soprano crew.

He played FBI Agent Dwight Harris, who was after Tony Soprano most of the series. Near the end of the show he was transferred to the terrorist task force, and was real helpful to Tony with information helping him stay alive.

He played FBI Boss Agent Frank Cubitoso.

He played Christopher Moltisanti, Tony's nephew, and Soprano family Capo (he really wasn't his nephew, but Tony refered to him as his nephew).
Daniel played himself in a couple episodes where Christopher made a movie called Cleaver, and Baldwin was his leading man in the movie.

She played Mafia Boss Annalisa Zucca, the daughter of the Don in Italy, and was in a couple episodes when Tony, and crew went to Italy to do business. She was actually running things over there, because her father was not of sound mind, and wheelchaired.

He played Bobby Baccalieri, Tony's Brother-in-law, and Capo. He was also Junior's right hand man until he was jailed.

He played the man himself Tony Soprano!

He played Salvatore "Big P ussy" Bonpensiero, and was Tony, and crews, long time best friend.

He played Vito Spatafore a Soprano crime family Capo.

Here's another one of the man himself Tony Soprano. This is a framed, and signed 8X10 photo with "Tony" inscription fron Stiener Sports in New york. They did a signing with the cast many years ago.

Last one is a TTM signed 8X10 I received from a friend in California who is a huge TTM hunter. It is John "Johnny Sack" Sacrimoni who is a long time friend of Tony's, and Mafia Boss of the New York crime family.
Quarter Horse family tree
Yes the first Quarter Horse name was Wimpy and his registered number is 1 and its here in this little gigantic maze of a tree
Quarter Horse family tree
Yes the first Quarter Horse name was Wimpy and his registered number is 1 and its here in this little gigantic maze of a tree
Well that's something you don't see every day! Unreal how many branches there are on that thing....
Pat: That's a pretty neat item that you can never put a price on. :cool:

Randy: Love the nascar stuff. Maybe, later in the week I'll post a few mine on here. ;)

Mike: That is a very cool item, and to have it signed, too? Wow! :eek: At least us old guys know what a record is, not like the kids today who have no clue what a record player is, lol! Let's not even bring up 8-track tapes! :D

Thanks everyone for sharing your stuff. Please, keep them coming! :santa:
Well that's something you don't see every day! Unreal how many branches there are on that thing....
My dad and mom got this back in 66 or 67 its been in the family ever since. I still remember my parents getting phone calls from some Quarter Horse Association asking them to track down a tree for them
This tree has a bunch of families but these are the ones pictured on the edge
Old Star #6, King 234, Joe Han**** 455, Old Sorrell #209, John Bailey, Peter McQue, Poco Bueno #3044, and Traveler
My dad had a registered quarter horse called Crutchy Bar off of the Poco Bueno family and a banker gave this to them for a wedding present. Thats all I can remember of it.

Wayne: That's a pretty cool item!
Thank you
Mike: That is a very cool item, and to have it signed, too? Wow! :eek: At least us old guys know what a record is, not like the kids today who have no clue what a record player is, lol! Let's not even bring up 8-track tapes! :D
I tracked down the authenticity by contacting some of the players who signed it...which ALL 31 players and the manager on the team did sign. I have a letter from Ron Swoboda and an e-mail from Nolan Ryan among others testifying to it's authenticity. It was signed during the Amazing Mets appearance on the Ed Sullivan show after they won the World Series in 69. Even the players not pictured on the album put their John Han**** on it.

Pretty impressive Sopranos collection there Troy!
I'll throw a card into this pile. Only saw one sell and it went for $925. I liked to fainted when I pack pulled this gem
Brett Favre #4 of 4
This week's submission featured on the Home Page belongs to camaropat with his Christy Hemme IP autograph WWE Divas card....congratulations Pat!
wow some impressive items in there!

Troy - love your Sopranos collection.
Wayne - that is VERY cool!

Mike - your record reminds me that I have a record stashed somwehere safely.
Rugby League record signed by some legends of the game.
Until I saw your post, I never thought to combine that with my card collection.
I'm definitely doing that over the Xmas holidays.