Racing NASCAR! Who or What do you collect?


NASCAR products are back baby!!!!! oh yeah!
The 2013 Season is just a stone throw away!

Who or What do you collect?

Specific drivers? Car Numbers? Autographs? Race-Used? Base Cards? Inserts?

Are you a Box or Pack Buster? Retail or Hobby? Pick up your wants off of the 'bay or other auction sites?

Wife has a very extensive collection of Kyle Busch ... base, inserts, numbered, race-used and autographs, to include a printing plates, one-of-ones and door-number cards.

I mainly do the base sets, but NOT from every product. I stay away from the first product of the year as it always seems to look cheap and shows drivers that were driving last year and NOT the current drivers or teams. NOT a fan of the "gold foil" base cards.

I have been known to put together sets of sheet metal (Tradin' Paint), autographs, and odd ball sets (The 1997 Jurassic Park Thunder Lizard set, with real "lizard" skin).
"Blasters" are fun to break if you are not looking for a hit.

Most of the hits end up being a very low-end burning rubber (Tire) card or a firesuit card (such as last year's IGNITE product)... which in the long run end up being worth about $3.00-$5.00 at the card show.

Honestly, if you have a card shop close to you, I would recommend you take the $19.95 that you would spend on a Blaster...and pick up four or five packs of Hobby.
That is good to know. I will have to check the local shop. I don't know if they sell Nascar or not. I know our wally world does though.
First's Dale Jr.. so two thumbs down.. lol

now... if you checkout the Danica #/35 that I posted a couple weeks ago.. that's a great looking card

The Cyan "Proofs" are just another way to gouge a few extra dollars from the collector.
I collect nascar Cup driver autos of pretty much everyone past, and present. Not really into guys/gals from the truck series, or Nationwide, but will if they are cant miss future cup drivers.

I also love, and started to collect anything race used from Press Pass Showcase. Showcase is really the only product I have to have. The best cards Press Pass has ever made.

I use to do sets years ago, but because of my desire to collect hockey, golf, and non-sports autos, plus Mcfarlane figures, and nascar diecast, Ive stopped busting wax altogether, and strictly just buy the singles I like off ebay. I'm not thrilled at all with the value, or lack there of it, you get for your box breaking dollars. I leave that up to the other suckers.