Ok guys today I went into the city, here's what was going on:
Rays vs Yankees
Macy Gray and Jim Parsons (Sheldon from Big Bang Theory) on Letterman
Michael Phelps on Fallon
Also a team I help coach had a game at 7:30 so I hoped everything went perfectly, timing was everything. So first off were the Rays. I got:
Cesar Ramos 1/1
Elliot Johnson 1/1
Coach Tom Foley 2/2
Joel Peralta 2/2
Fernando Rodney 1/2
Jeff Niemann 1/1
Wade Davis 1/1
Joe Maddon 1/1 photo paper
Jeff Keppinger 1/1
Carlos Pena 2/2, card and photo paper
Sean Rodriguez 1/1 Cuban flag 8x10
Broadcaster Brian Anderson 2/2
Ben Zobrist 1/1
This was the good. Now for the bad.
First off, there's this old grapher. He's one of the legends here. But everyone prefers for him not be there because he just gets in the way and ruins things. Luckily I don't see him for basketball. First off, Matt Moore is signing. Then he starts saying over and over things like, "Can you please sign for me?" This makes Moore rush into the cab. Later on we see Hellickson signing before boarding the bus, taking his time. Then Sheldon does his thing and poof, Hellickson is gone. No offense but thank God he wasn't there the whole time. Also, who I think is Moore is boarding the bus. I try to get him on a photo paper but he says I'm very sorry but I don't sign those. I try to say that I'm going to print a photo but I appreciate how he was expressing how he was sorry. I've never seen anyone that sincere. BUT turns out it was Matt Joyce :blink: I had 2 cards of him too. I had another photo paper fail, unfortunately with ace David Price. I should've had a card out with the paper too like I did with Pena later. He just said I don't sign those and walked on his way and ignored me when I tried calling him. I mean c'mon...
Players who didn't sign: Upton and Jose Molina. James Shields signed for one. We missed coach Dave Martinez by a second. Maybe half. No sign of Longoria. After getting Brian Anderson and Zobrist, I went off to Letterman. I was there for 2 hours...Normally guests should arrive around 3. Well Parsons arrived at around 4! He signed for everyone there but I wasn't able to get a pic with him. So for after I was hoping to get pics with Macy Gray and Parsons. I was expecting them to leave by 5:15 hopefully and then I'd be on my way for Michael Phelps. It was 6pm and still those 2 didn't come out. So at around 6:10 I decided to leave and check out Fallon. I was there for a minute because I had to goto my baseball game. I got one of my buddies to get Phelps on a blank for me if he signed. By the time I'm at Port Authority I find out my game was rained out!

Also found out Phelps didn't sign.
Great day with the Rays. But unhappy with some of the things, like Price. That waste of time at Letterman slightly lowered how I felt about my day overall. But hey I got 17 autos, tying my baseball high for a day. I might go for the Mariners at the end of the week and maybe the Capitals if they can force a game 7. Thanks for reading. Also remember the Isringhausen blank I got signed a few weeks ago? I will also post a pic of it, I finally printed it out.