Mr. Mint's Tantrum

met him in chicago, hes a vintage dealer with an attitute, he will give you $200 on a card he knows he can take down a few booths and get $1000 for, but everyone thinks hes a god to the industry by flaunting his money and being 'easy' to deal with...hes just loosening you up for the butt rapin you about to be takin
Hmmm....guess I hit a soft spot, but he screwed up telling me to kiss his ***, now I have something for him.

Dave, kiss my ***.

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Hildebrand
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:01 pm
Subject: just read your little statement
To: [email protected]

> I think there is more behind your little story, but
> anyway.....just get over
> yourself already.
> Dave
Ok, here is my short reply back to him. I don't really want to waste anymore time with this clown but his response will determine that:

Kiss your ***? You aren't as high and mighty as you think you are, ripping off people to sell at a higher cost later down the line. How about you pull some of that money out of your *** and buy a hair piece?

Kiss your ***? Kneel down and bark at my crotch *****.
met him in chicago, hes a vintage dealer with an attitute, he will give you $200 on a card he knows he can take down a few booths and get $1000 for, but everyone thinks hes a god to the industry by flaunting his money and being 'easy' to deal with...hes just loosening you up for the butt rapin you about to be takin

That explains why he wants a front location so that the idiots go straight to him before anyother booth so that he makes the money. He also looks like a douchebag.
He always was right where you come in the door at the Ft Washington show... anyone that came walking in with a box he'd try and get them to come straight to his table.

He basically sets up just to buy. Nothing on the table but his stupid custom tablecover with his big bald mug on it

Other than that he's fine ;)

I was at Sportsfest in 2003 and he was at the front. He also had his own bobblehead :roll:

wah wah wah, sounds like a chode to me

actually he sounds like one of the dealers up here. the dealer up here got pissed at me for selling my collection to someone else, who gave me fair market value for it, 2 yrs ago, and he just now found out that i sent some of my PC to Brett to sell at Nattys and is pissed.

I don't like jokers that try and hose you on collections in hopes that you have no clue what it's worth. POS in my book
Ok, here is my short reply back to him. I don't really want to waste anymore time with this clown but his response will determine that:

Kiss your ***? You aren't as high and mighty as you think you are, ripping off people to sell at a higher cost later down the line. How about you pull some of that money out of your *** and buy a hair piece?

Kiss your ***? Kneel down and bark at my crotch *****.

That is funny :lollol::lollol: Can't wait to hear what responce you get back
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Hmmm....guess I hit a soft spot, but he screwed up telling me to kiss his ***, now I have something for him.

Dave, kiss my ***.

----- Original Message -----
From: Dave Hildebrand
Date: Tuesday, July 24, 2007 10:01 pm
Subject: just read your little statement
To: [email protected]

> I think there is more behind your little story, but
> anyway.....just get over
> yourself already.
> Dave

:ban::ban::ban:That says it for me. He has good PR dosen't he ;):clap::clap:
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Every big show I've been to, he's always at the front, because he's a self-centered jackass who needs to get the most attention.

IMO, him not being at the national makes this potentially the best national in the 27 years he's been around.

edit- Dave (sycotic) is now my idol.
Here's a guy who believes he is bigger than the hobby, that there is a seperate class of upper echelon importance in it and sees his long time exploitation of naive card owners and desperate individuals somehow warrants his special treatment as a celebrity.

Thanks for your ego staying home :salut:
if I ever met him, and he even looked at me funny, I would simply tell him. "Quit eyeballing me boy or I will rip your throat out."