Lindsay State Bank check from 1900 - need help


Bench Warmer
I acquired this at a local auction in Kentucky and have spent the last 4 hours trying to find out anything I could about it. It has a R164 2 cent documentary tax stamp with a battleship on it. I did find out what it was and what they were used for. The check looks to be written out to Lindsay State (the last word I cannot make out - I think it says Border). The check is for $394.35 which would (using an inflation calculator) be $11,895.29 today. The date the check is written is October 7th, 1900 and was paid by the bank (stamped on) on October 16th, 1900. The bank stamp says the date along with Lindsay State Bank and Lindsay, Neb. I cannot make out the name on the check.It looks like an initial for the first name - maybe an A and maybe Hunsin as the last name.


Any information would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a million in advance. If you know of anyone that could help me find out any information about this it would be greatly appreciated.
Found out more information. The check looks to be signed A Hansen which would have been Andrew Hansen - the vice president of the bank at that time.