Got a Mini Box of PP Legends...Live break

well, went to bestbuy after my brit lit class today and picked up hot fuzz and 300 on dvd (cant wait to watch'em both). then on the way home, i passed the card shop and couldnt resist. went in and got myself a mini box.
ate lunch and now im ready to rip! :D wish me luck. supposed to get 2 autos or 1 auto / 1 gu, and there are six packs.
will start in a few :D :cheers:
Pack 6:
Billy Sims - OU
Dwayne Wright - Fresno State
James Lofton 359/499 - Stanford
Archie Manning - Ole Miss
Archie Griffin - OSU

this was really fun and when i get more money :lollol: i'll probably either pick up another mini box or get a hobby box, we'll see :D very happy with the break.
everythings pretty much available, just dont know when i can get to the PO. letme know if you need anything, thanks for looking
No Alabama = :ban: ....but looks like a fun break regardless:cheers:

:lollol: haha sorry stefan, maybe next time :D
here are some scans


