Christmas in July - Secret Santa

I'm still waiting on an eBay auction to end for my recipient. Assuming I get that item next week, my package should go out by next Friday.
Had mine all packaged up and was at the post office on the way in to work this morning but it wasn't open. I'll head over there first thing in the morning and it will finally be on the way!!!
Mailman got here a little later than I thought, mine will be mailed out in the morning.
This Santa waited to mail, was waiting for a packaged with some goodies to come, and I have got them, I really wanted this gift to be awsome before I mailed out, hohoho!
This Santa hasn't gotten to the Post Office yet. The Elves have been a little lazy with the collecting/packing...Maybe next Saturday. :(
i think this is from my santa???





Got my goodies yesterday (still a bit giddy over it), gotta gotta scan tonight to show the wholey guacamole stuff Santa sent. Not only did he hit my fave teams with some recent stuff he included some of my vintage needs plus... well things will have to wait until I can scan later tonight.

Me thinks it will make your :jawdrop: like mine did.