Christmas in July - Secret Santa

Decided discretion and careful searching is the better than rushing and stuffing. I'll try getting stuff together this week and possibly in the mail next Saturday.
Yea I agree I've had two good days of taking my time and searching I think I found something nice!
Yeah, I have part 1 of my package ready to go but need a mail day for part 2. Hopefully it'll be here by Thursday and I can turn it right around and send out on Friday.
this santa has made his decision and has put his order in to the ebay elves hopefully will be mailing out end of this week :)
This Santa has sent out his package!

Mr. Murray, thanks so much! packaged has made it to me, made my day! killed some PC want's I needed, post up some pics when I get the chance, The BAP "The Mac Auto" was sweet, Got that card in a pack I got, gave it away as a Birthday gift, got it back, thanks my friend! Hit me up in the Box Breaks if you need anything.

Santa here is mailing out in the morning, just didnt get the chance to make it to the PO today!
Holy Super Speedy Gonzales Batman. That was fast.

I was going to say I might be able to send out to my Good Little Collector tomorrow depending on what I can find cloging up my collection. :LOL:
Not guaranteeing it though. Saturdays are my mailing out days so If I'm like SpeedyMurray there I might be able to send out tomorrow (I already have a copule of packages I was going to send out last week but my Post Office didn't have power due to the freak thunderstorms last Friday :( ) Or I'll ship the 21st as I might not be able to send out next weekend (July 14th). I should be able to get the package out by the end of the month deadline.

Warning! Secret Collector: I tend to go overboard on these types of things. ;)

Well I hope I'm that secret collector!! Hahahaha
Just kidding.
What happened with the po. Were they just bad thunderstorms?
Well I hope I'm that secret collector!! Hahahaha
Just kidding.
What happened with the po. Were they just bad thunderstorms?

Yeah there were thunderstorms on Friday. I hadn't lost power, but some of the traffic lights in my neighborhood were out, and many people in the area were without power some for a few days.

My Post Office (the closest one to me and the one that handles my mail) is 4 miles from me. Due to my schedule Saturdays are the only days I can go to the post office during their hours. I didn't know until I arrived there that they were closed up The doors had a hand written sign that said they were closed due to no power. While I was leaving I spoke with a woman who was just arriving to let her know they were closed and she asked if I knew of any other POs that might be open. I suggested one I thought about which I think is the next closest one and was going to try going to, but she said she had just come from there and they were shutdown. The third PO I thought about and then went to was closed when I arrived, however, it was about an hour after their normal closing time (which I had forgotten that they closed so much early than mine). I'm not sure if they had been open earlier or not.



I am now the amazingly proud owner of a Ryan Williams Rookie booklet with a sick patch and and auto. There was also a bunch of singles of a bunch of other cardinals players that will definitely enhance my PC!!!!


(image stolen from Nate's previous post)

Nate! You are awesome, dude!!! This is the first booklet I have ever owned and the fact that it's someone in my PC is awesome!!! I feel bad though man. You were getting your booklet PC going and here you sacrificed one to me!

I can't thank you enough. It's awesome!!!



I am now the amazingly proud owner of a Ryan Williams Rookie booklet with a sick patch and and auto. There was also a bunch of singles of a bunch of other cardinals players that will definitely enhance my PC!!!!


(image stolen from Nate's previous post)

Nate! You are awesome, dude!!! This is the first booklet I have ever owned and the fact that it's someone in my PC is awesome!!! I feel bad though man. You were getting your booklet PC going and here you sacrificed one to me!

I can't thank you enough. It's awesome!!!

anytime man, can always pick up another one when needed! :)
Glad you enjoyed it