Football Casebreakers September Break Part I: Cases of Certified and Finest - COMPLETE

Blowout Gift certificate has been purchased....just waiting for it to be processed so I can then transfer payment to you Chris.
With only 1/3 of the payments in we were going to have to delay anyway as I don't have the funds to cover that much so we'll break upon the Finest release if we can get the rest of those in. We can reassess Prime at that time as that may get pushed a bit too.
Texans have come available. Since we are close in to the break this will have to be an extra team pick up as opposed to allowing a switch to that team for anyone that is interested. First come first serve!
No takers on the Texans?? Still looking to fill a couple more draft slots as well if anyone is interested.
I'm in with the Cowboys, sorry I'm late responding....I'll pay tomorrow (can I pay for both breaks now?)

No problem on paying for both. IOn fact with the tight turnaround I would welcome any other payments as the due date for Prime would be in about a week from today anyway.