bobby wade


Transactions: 1
anyone collect him?...i think he might be one of darrins guys not something to the first person to PM me their address and why they collect wade and ill get a PWE Express out this week :dance:
anyone collect him?...i think he might be one of darrins guys not something to the first person to PM me their address and why they collect gage and ill get a PWE Express out this week :dance:

So is it Gage or is it Wade? :think:
I collect Wade :cool:

But make sure to check with Darrin and anyone else first before considering to send it my direction.
I collect Wade :cool:

But make sure to check with Darrin and anyone else first before considering to send it my direction.

i see the flag flying so you do know that much, couldnt remember if darrin did him or not, i got it as a throw in on my trade from a $5 box...
You should send it to Mike since he asked first. And if Mike already has it he can spend another 42 cents and send it to me.

Ironically, even if you had meant Gage I'd still have collected him. The Titans apparently love castoff Bears receivers. I hated losing Wade to the Vikings, but Gage has gotten good reviews in the OTAs, so I'm looking forward to seeing him in person during camp.