
Johan Santana #57 said:
lol but we have told him about the etiquette and all that jazz

ps, I sent him the same type of PM regarding the post count "reduction" as he calls it
See the bolded......I know, but I've also told my 18 yr old twice a week for the past 4 years, what night the garbage bin goes to the road for pick-up.........and I still have to remind her.....twice a week.
On the other hand, I've told Belle (8 yrs old) twice in the last 2 years to make sure she makes her bed in the morning after she gets up and haven't had to tell her what am I doing wrong with the 18 yr old???
All I'm saying is, let's try to help the kid rather than jump him all the time, maybe he's a little slower than most kids and needs more gentle handling and reminders?? I dunno, but let's try to help rather than shoot down what little self esteem or attention he may or may not get at home
BSC said:
See the bolded......I know, but I've also told my 18 yr old twice a week for the past 4 years, what night the garbage bin goes to the road for pick-up.........and I still have to remind her.....twice a week.
On the other hand, I've told Belle (8 yrs old) twice in the last 2 years to make sure she makes her bed in the morning after she gets up and haven't had to tell her what am I doing wrong with the 18 yr old??? All I'm saying is, let's try to help the kid rather than jump him all the time, maybe he's a little slower than most kids and needs more gentle handling and reminders?? I dunno, but let's try to help rather than shoot down what little self esteem or attention he may or may not get at home

You got to get rid of them when they first become teenagers. It's a little tough at first, but eventually you get use to not having them around ignoring you, and p issing you off. :D If you keep them, then get started on digging that early grave, because that is where they'll send you! Did I tell you guys how much i love my children? :D
lol here is the pm i got from him today and my responce

BearsFan51 said:
Hey this is weird i just noticed this everytime i post my post count gets lower and lower and lower it was like 950 now its like almost down to only 700 who is doingh this do u knw well thnx

that is because we are going through and deleteing the usless post i know i dleleted one today that just said "a"
Nope he's not banned, but I did see this in his profile. Who did this? :eek:

Rating: (0)
Useless posters get banned. So keep it up if you want to be gone.
I agree with Mike. This kid needs some help, banning him serves no purpose at all. don't be so quick on the trigger finger, as he matures he may turn out OK. Besides, who would we have to make fun of if he was gone.
Leafsfan1967 said:
Nope he's not banned, but I did see this in his profile. Who did this? :eek:

Rating: (0)
Useless posters get banned. So keep it up if you want to be gone.

It has been there for ages lol
Dunno who did it.
Leafsfan1967 said:
Nope he's not banned, but I did see this in his profile. Who did this? :eek:

Rating: (0)
Useless posters get banned. So keep it up if you want to be gone.

ya idk who did that either i think i saw it last month;)
i can say I didnt do that.... BUT a few months back I bought him a new title that said

"800 useless posts and not one trade" or soemthing to that affect

I guess some one wanted to change it LOL
Leafsfan1967 said:
You got to get rid of them when they first become teenagers. It's a little tough at first, but eventually you get use to not having them around ignoring you, and p issing you off. :D If you keep them, then get started on digging that early grave, because that is where they'll send you! Did I tell you guys how much i love my children? :D
freaking sweet! and LOL and im scared that he's serious, and WOW
ok he is just under 500 posts now does this mean we will have to endure the "MY 500th post" MY 600th POST" etc again....????????