
Brandon.........point taken. i will pm him immediately advising him of what you just told me. ALL MODS.......NEXT TIME YOU CATCH HIM POSTING CRAP....LETS MAKE IT 2 WEEKS TO START THEN 30 DAYS FOR THE NEXT OFFENSE THEN LIFETIME FOR HIS THIRD OFFENSE
ammended pm sent to bearsfan:
After posting my member report in the moderator forum, I was advised that you have been warned on several occasions by a moderator. Disregard the length of suspensions that I advised you would happen. The next time a Moderator finds you posting in a thread that you aren't contributing to, expect a 14 day suspension, if you choose to come back after that and continue your useless posts, expect a 30 day suspension. If you come back after that and continue posting uselessly in threads expect a lifetime ban.
oglesbyc said:
here is his newst post lol

welcome to the site and hope u have a great stay here at
My pm's must have put a little fear into him. at least he's trying to make an effort of some kind. Although, his overzealousness at the moment is going to get him suspended, (he hit almost every thread on the board after reading my pm's), especially if he keeps hitting trade threads with no intention of trading.
PM sent to bearsfan51:
You clearly stated in Randallcards post that you have no money to buy, yet you continue to post in sell threads. This is a total waste of time for the seller to answer your questions, look up bv's and post scans. You just earned a 2 week suspension. With your time off, you might want to learn how to post and not waste peoples time and energy. If you make another id to try and get back on the boards while you are'll be banned permanently.
I'll be issuing the suspension personally after i give him a few minutes to read the pm.
the kid is STILL going.... this kid annoys me HORRIBLY lol nearly 1000 posts and NOT ONE OF THEM is relivant AND he doesnt have ANY TRADES

he ALWAYS ask about BV and say hey what do you need for this...or how much for that...and HE NEVER MAKES A DEAL! AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!

let me shoot him!
for the LOVE OF ALL THINGS HOLY let me hunt him down!!!!!!!

the ONLY posts her EVER made that were CLOSE to entertaining was when he got in a "fight" with JOSH about who was the best running back ever LOL shocking he picked Walter Payton LOL man he has a boner for the BEARS LOL! I think he sleeps with a Ditka doll LOL