

Bench Warmer
I am sure everyone is about fed up with BearsFan51....I know I am.....

I sent him the PM below. Clearly it would be soooo easy to just hit the ban button and forget all about him, I know I have thought about it, but we do need all the members we can get, and as far as we all know he is an honest kid. I will be watching him closely, and I await a return PM from him (I just hope I can understand it:eek: )



Please do not post single comments in separate posts.

For example there are a bunch of threads where you post

great card!

the very next post within a minute or so you post

what the BV

and then the very next post within a minute or so you post

just wondering

There is no reason that cannot be 1 post.

You will notice that a few of your most recent posts were like this, I have merged them into 1 post.

If these are comments you think of after you post, 1 of 2 things must happen....1) you may need to think about your comments before you post them to make sure you have put everything you want to post. OR 2) if you need to add something you can edit your own post.

Your post count could really be 1/2 of what it is. the type of posts you are making (back-to-back-to-back) looks a whole lot like post count padding, which is against the rules.

Please take this PM as a friendly MOD helping you out...also take this PM as a warning. Post count padding (which also causes point padding). While I do not think you are violating these rules intentionally, this rule is taken seriously.

Further action that contradicts this PM will result in a suspension.

Please do not take this as a personal attack, this PM is to help all the FREAKS here enjoy the hobby and this site.

If you have any questions please let me know. I am here to help in any way I can.

OK Cody, you have been warned about your ridiculous posting. It would be different if you had even one trade, but you have zero. this will be your last warning and next will come permanent banning. Make a trade and quit your post padding.
This member continually posts irrelevant responses to threads. On just about every forum this would be considered trolling even though he doesn't intentionally try to bait anyone. He's been told repeatedly about this by moderators and other members. If any of you guys catch him posting useles crap in any thread.......3 days suspension. I've sent him the following PM, please use it as a guideline when dealing with him. No more warnings!

Posting in threads should be informative, useful, or contributing to the thread topic. Posting one word responses such as "yeah" or "cool" is not productive and only serves to make people mad, or worse yet, make fun of you. On most forums, the kinds of posts that you put up would be considered trolling. The definition of trolling is: "An Internet troll, or simply troll in Internet slang, is someone who posts controversial and usually irrelevant or off-topic messages in an online community, such as an online discussion forum or chat room, with the intention of baiting other users into an emotional response[1] or to generally disrupt normal on-topic discussion"
Even though you don't intentionally post to make people angry, it would still be considered trolling. If you continue to post as you have been doing, I will have no other choice than to suspend you for a period of time until you can contribute constructively to a thread in these forums. You have been told about this before by other members so it's not unknown to you. A member report will be made shortly in the moderator forums and the other modrators will be advised to suspend you if the find you posting things that don't contribute to the threads you post in. The first suspension will be 3 days, the second will be 5 days, the third will be 10 days and the fourth time will be permanent. Consider this your final warning.
If you don't mind....I would like to over rule your 3 day one should be permanent

Here are the PM's I have sent him previous to his numerous suspensions (starts at the bottom)

#3Originally Posted by BHELSER1981
This will be your final warning. I have asked you on multiple occasions to follow the rules. There is no reason you cannot bring substance to the forums, but it seems as though you like the attention you get even though it is negative.

Originally Posted by BHELSER1981

I sent you the PM that is below a few weeks in the link that I have provided, you again post 2 comments back to back, when there is no reason that they could not have been in the same post. If I see this 1 more time, you will be facing a 30 day suspension.

Originally Posted by BHELSER1981
Please do not post single comments in separate posts.

For example there are a bunch of threads where you post

great card!

the very next post within a minute or so you post

what the BV

and then the very next post within a minute or so you post

just wondering

There is no reason that cannot be 1 post.

You will notice that a few of your most recent posts were like this, I have merged them into 1 post.

If these are comments you think of after you post, 1 of 2 things must happen....1) you may need to think about your comments before you post them to make sure you have put everything you want to post. OR 2) if you need to add something you can edit your own post.

Your post count could really be 1/2 of what it is. the type of posts you are making (back-to-back-to-back) looks a whole lot like post count padding, which is against the rules.

Please take this PM as a friendly MOD helping you out...also take this PM as a warning. Post count padding (which also causes point padding). While I do not think you are violating these rules intentionally, this rule is taken seriously.

Further action that contradicts this PM will result in a suspension.

Please do not take this as a personal attack, this PM is to help all the FREAKS here enjoy the hobby and this site.

If you have any questions please let me know. I am here to help in any way I can.
