Banner Contest For Points


Bench Warmer
2,000 Points for the best banner I get...Here is the players I would like on it on here and I will pick the best one

Collecting : Addai,Maroney,Deangelo Wiliams ,Norwood, LWhite
ok, i thought you wanted all 4 on one banner, but you want 4 seperate, thats cool. do i just post them, but them in my sig or what.
you click on th IMG tag of you photobucket by the URL tag and you post the link in a post!!

snick - i'm making them for you right now!!
simms, just wondering what program you use to make banners, and a link to the download would be helpful, ive been looking for a good site since paint doesnt work so well.
I dont think theres any free wbsites...theres a program called photoshop!!

I use paint and photoshop!! the carmelo is from paint!!