90's Collector - Expanding Horizons


Bench Warmer
Hi All

My name is Matt, from NSW Australia.
I'm a KG Collector and fan since 1995, I collected in High School in the 90's then on and off until all the card shops in my area closed. I played basketball competitively up until a couple of years ago when I got an injury, and hope to return to play soon!!!

I joined up to another card forum just over a year ago and have loved the interaction, buying trading and selling, making friends online etc etc.
Recently after the NBA Season came to an end I found things getting a bit stale, repetitive and boring and am looking for that spark to fuel my interest again otherwise I was going to take a bit of a break from collecting.
I seem to have found it in 08-09 PMG's from Skybox. I'm in love with them at the moment :p Having fun seeing how many I can pick up on a limited budget!

Always good to join another site and hope I can get a few deals done here!

Thanks for reading

Cheers all

Thanks guys!

I will organise what doubles I have and let you know, not many because I usually know what I do and don't have when I buy. Just passed 550 different cards, maybe 20 doubles on top.