2013 - TCZ Secret Santa

Ok I know mine was alittle late getting out but hopefully it gets there fast! Christmas shopping is officially finished after me and the post office had a round and then eBay
Gosh, That Gywnn patch is nice.

I accidentally, opened my secret Santa mail today thinking it was an ebay package... And I am very happy someone took the time to find something for my Miami PC's. Its the thought that counts and this made me feel all warm. I liked every single card. There were 3 GU's & and an auto, plus a few #ed cards and inserts. (I'll share later if that's what we're all doing.) The note, said it's not who I think it is but there was a name on the shipping label... Ummm.

I hope my recipient likes their package. I dont collect much BB and after seeing the pics above and receiving my package I'm thinking maybe I should have sent more. Seems like everyone exceeded the minimum value. One of the cards I sent was a mid end card for their PC, so we'll see.

Thank you to whoever had me. I think I know it was but the note said it wasn't. Merry X-Mas everyone!
Yep show when you get the chance. Part of the fun of this whole Secret Santa thing is to see what everyone got.

Don't feel so bad about "not sending enough". It is surprising how sometimes just one little "Charlie Brown Christmas Tree" card can make someone's day. Hey you said one of the cards was for their PC so I think they will be happy. You sent something so you are not a Bad Santa.
well I opened my secret santa gift today and it had a stack of base cards, a few of which were numbered, and then 2 jersey cards. Will post scans later.