2009 Exquisite Break for trade


Bench Warmer
I pulled these last week and now that I've got some toploaders they're all available for trade. I'll also entertain sale offers on any as well. PM for details on that.

I don't really collect anything specific, but I'd be looking for 1 for 1 trades, and don't want to trade down on any.

Here's what I got:

(sort of pending, a couple people have asked and will get first priority)




(pending at the moment)




I'll be more picky on the Moreno and the Booklet, but everything else can be had fairly easily for a fair trade. You can offer anything of equal value or have me check your bucket or list. Your call.
jaredcookfan89 said:
I need the santonio holmes! please pm
it's pending at the moment. I'll let you know if the status changes

SellingALLCards said:
please lmk how much you need in trade for each:
b.cushing auto
K.Moreno auto

I didn't see anything for the booklet or Moreno, and I'm still waiting on the Cushing. I'll let you know if it becomes available.

snick103 said:
I am interested on the Moreno
Sorry nothing for me.

(I'm just a little picky on the Moreno and Booklet at this time)

tndcollectables said:
cmb for the butler maybe moreno
here's a few cards I like possibly for the Butler. I havent had a chance to reference any values, so PM me back if you think there's a potential for a trade there. If anything seems too high, please don't be offended, I just havent looked anything up.
-Forte Patch
-Knox Auto
-Sanders/Perry/LT GU
-Vince Young Absolute Patch

and I may be interested in the Barry Sanders auto for the Moreno... maybe. I gotta check on values first. (and for all I know, maybe the Barry is too much)

just PM me if you think anything works.
Allen said:
I have some more Jordans you need if you are interested in trading the Moreno for them.

not unless it's something pretty high end. I don't plan on trading down with the Moreno