2 more Razor Ink Vault Boxes


Bench Warmer
Liked my first 2 boxes so much and, in my opinion, its a better value right now than most sports boxes...so I was able to find some low prices still on some more boxes, before they go up in price.

Box 1:


Yancy Butler Auto (Witchblade)
Lisa Ryder Auto (Andromeda)
Melissa George Auto (Alias)

Mystery Box: Family Guy Star Wars A New Hope - worst box you can get IMHO (No autos, memorabilia, sketches) Going to try and sell on ebay

Box 2:


James Leary Auto (Buffy)
Edmund Entin Auto (Dark Rising)
Jamie-Lynn DiScala Auto (Sopranos)

Mystery Box: Lost Season 2....opened it

Auto: Brett Cullen
Pieceworks: shirt worn by Naveen Andrews (Sayid Jarrah)

Happy with my pulls...

Now the big question is, do I open my last 2 boxes or wait and see if I can sell them off for some moolah later down the road....although, everytime I do that (with other products), there's been a huge hit in the box...

Interested in the following autos
Jennie Finch
Jeannette Lee
Ana Kornakovia
I have autos to trade some non-sports autos like
TNA Signature Curves Traci
TNA Signatures Curves So Cal Val
TNA Signatures Curves taylor Wilde
also have football, Hockey, Baseball and Basketball autos to trade
Thanks fior the read, time and consideration
yeah there is some big high dollor cards in that product i would open and you could pull like a twilight box they sell for 250+ plus there is about 10 auto's off the top of my head that book 300 - 600 so i would go for it if your trading any check me for the auto from buffy plus lmk if you open the other boxes thanks









probably holding onto them or selling on the bay
I know....part of me still wants to see how much I can sell them off for later on...esp since atlantasports now raised their prices up as well. I think I'm going to regret not buying a case...although like you all have been saying, I'd probably end up opening most of it anyway :)
Ordered 2 more boxes for $46.95 each from a b-lowoutcards weekend special today. I love this stuff and made some sweet trades to build up my Smallville PC including James Marsters and Michael Rosenbaum (Lex Luthor) autos. I'll add them to be original post when they come in so get to cracking those other two open Phil :p

P.S. Profanity filter edited out the word b-l-o-w?
B-L-O-W can be used profanely Brett, I would elaborate the many ways... but I have a feeling you have already said the most common profane usage of the word and added Tim on the end already.