WTTF: Cleveland Indians cards... all years, even base

Hey bud, thanks for the reply. I need everything you listed BUT I have nothing from Jackson, and nothing notable from Thomas.. I am sure I have some base and maybe a few very low-end inserts/parallels, but nothing special. Let me know if you collect low-end Thomas stuff, or check my bucket and let me know if there is anything else you could use. Also, there are some Indians in 97 Topps M&M: Sizemore (#125 & 126) and Hafner (#150)... I need just about all of those. Let me know.

bojacksoncollector said:
I have a few.. 2005 Studio Portraits CC Sabathia #/30, and 2006 UD Special FX Coco Crisp #/150, and Jason Johnson #/150. Got any Bo Jackson or Frank Thomas cards? Also, any Indians in the 2007 Topps Moments & Milestones set? I have about 350 of those I still need to dig through.
hey man sorry but i cant trade with u right know couse i cant ship they way u wont me to sorry but maybe we can trade some other time
I'm going on vacation and then heading back to school in a few days... I might be back to trading this winter. If so, we might be able to strike a deal then.

huntingman said:
we might be able to trade later
Oh, and if there is any bitterness because I wouldn't buy your cards... please refer to my post:

"WTTF: Cleveland Indians cards"

"Hey everyone.. I am looking to trade for ALL Cleveland Indians cards that I need."

Just don't want any hard feelings, because I think I made it pretty clear that I was looking to trade.

cardjim said:
After all of this did ANY trades take place?