WTTF - 2023 Topps Heritage - High Numbers Added

Were you able to find anything to complete this trade?
Sorry Dave…was a really hectic weekend. Is there anything specific you might be after. I’ve got a decent amount of Brewers and Twins, maybe a bit of Packers, but it would be a lot to just list out.
Hey Dennis,

Only had 3 dupe Rays, 125/184/253, but I’ve also got the Wander New Age Performer I can throw in there for you too. If that work post it and we can go PWE if that’s good with you.


Works for me, please post for us and pee is fine.

2 hangers, no SP but 232 for you. Not really worth the shipping. Anything else your looking for.

FYI rumor postage going up again next month 0.03
I’ll reach out to you for a bigger trade…just about to break some Series 2 and looking for Silver Packs if you have any yet.