WrestleMania XXVIII: John Cena vs The Rock


TP9 | VC15
5.00 star(s)
On April 1, 2012 in Miami, FL will take place probably the most anticipated wrestling match in WWE history! I'm not even a huge wrestling fan anymore, like I was when I was a kid, but am seriously considering ordering this on PPV just so I can watch that match! Do you plan on watching WrestleMania 28? If so, whose side are you on?

I will be pulling for The Rock, but mostly just because I like most of the movies he's been in. :LOL:
I am not as big into wrestling as I used to be either, but I will be rooting for the Rock, I never could stand Cena. And as long as I don't have to work I am sure that someone I know will buy the PPV and I will watch.
im actually gonna be there! and to the HOF ceremony and the Raw the next time! im so excited i could pee myself. andddddd im dragging my wife to all three! so theres a good chance i may be divorced come april 3rd lol

and to answer your question...John Cena alll the way!
:LOL: I think it would be so awesome to be there. I'm actually jealous! I hope you take plenty of pics to share with us.
btw, the Jericho vs. Punk and the HHH vs. Undertaker in the Hell matches are also gonna be going all, so definitely watch it.

im not nearly into wrestling like i was when i was little, but to me its so much a part of my childhood i could never actually stop watching it all together. plus, it's kinda on my bucket list to go to a WM, which is why im going all out for the weekend.
:LOL: I think it would be so awesome to be there. I'm actually jealous! I hope you take plenty of pics to share with us.

definitely will. it's something ive always wanted to do before i died, but i lucked out with it being so close to home this year.
Tomorrow is the big day! Who's ready to watch The Rock lay the smack down on Cena's candy ***!?
Have to work tonight so I won't be able to watch. I will have to find the pics I took when I went to WM 23 in Detroit and share with everyone.
Well, I hope I don't spoil anyone's surprise (I did wait 24 hours before talking about it), but I gotta say that I had a smile on my face like a little kid when I seen The Rock lay down the Rock Bottom on Cena to end that match. I can't believe it's been so long since I've seen a wrestling match, and I'm glad I chose that one to watch. Great match! I'll be expecting a rematch sometime later this year or early next where Cena will get his revenge, but we shall see. Anyone else get to watch this one?
I got to watch the replays of it. Not sure about a rematch since it looks like Cena and Lesnar are gonna be feuding for a little while.